Does your stop start still work as normal?


Registered User
Jul 8, 2013
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Don't know what it could be but noticed recently my stop start isn't working at all.

When ever I drive the start and its up to temp when coming to stationary it doesn't engage. I dont have ac on or much electronics to affect this?

I suppose the next step to diagnose is to run an ODBC scan?

Also my car is over 3 years old so anyone else which has a car similar age notice their stop start not working as often?
Do you get the stop/start symbol in the DIS but with a line through it showing that stop/start is unavailable?

Might be worth checking your battery voltage as that is another parameter that must be within a certain limit for stop/start to work.
Reactions: pburv and Simon L
I was going to ask if s/s symbol had a line through. Also are you sure it's not in sport mode.
We have been having very hot weather - that can also stop s/s
Reactions: pburv
I work for Ford and we get no end of people coming in saying their start/stop isn't working. It's always down to the battery. On Fords, it needs the battery state of charge to be around 80% for it to work. I find most are down to around 60%. A charge overnight on a ctec charger generally always fixes it for a while.

It's usually down to short journeys. That reduces the state of charge.
Reactions: richinsoton, Rob2k68 and pburv
Yes with the ford focus, I had a mk3 and the start stop stopped working because I only do short journey's, yet our fiesta, and my audi, do not have a problem over the exact same journey.
The focus particulary had issues with the battery voltage sensor because if you performed a firmware update to the sony system, takes about 20 mins with a usb stick, many of us couldn't then startup the car because the sensor was telling the ecu that the battery volts were too low.
This is not the case with audi...
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