Help replacing air filter


Registered User
Mar 20, 2011
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S E Kent
i can't seperate the box due to the pipe work connected to the top - any advice please
Don't want to starch it too much
Give it a tug the one running across has a metal clip and it just pulls out of the airbox.
It's not that it's the elbow to the bottom right of the pic
The whole bit on the right restricts the air box opening - I saw a how to which shows use rewind a screw on the elbow and pulling the black pipe out but mine has some strange jubilee like clips
just remove the airbox completely and then you'll have the ease of access to open/clean it and change the filter.
Could you give me any more tips to remove it
Surely it's just a case of removing the 2 top screws, moving the wiring out the way then lift the right side up and off. Well it is on the tfsi.
The pipe work/ wiring on the right of the pic is attaced to the side of the housing - this can be unscrewed but does not help it's too short to stretch to remove / fit the filter
I'm presuming it needs to be seperated so where
The wires ontop are just held down by clips, pull them off then carefully pull the air box apart, the wires will still be there but you should have just enough room to squeeze the filter through the gap
This can't be done - I'll add another pic
The wires/ cables - come from inside the wing from one side of box to the other and is fixed by a rigid pipe ( this can be unscrewed but it makes no difference)as you pull it to open the box it really starched the pipe - the gap cannot be made wide enough as its attached at the wing side
Am I making sense
What are these pipes?
Need a better picture mate, it cant be that difficult to change such a simple service item.
Looks like it's an ear hose clamp
I'll do some more research
So maybe cut one of the clips off and replace with a jubilee clip to save yourself the ball ache next time?
Reactions: lewie
Does anyone know what the pipework is- don't want to remove it and loose loads of fluid??
Looks like a vac line of some sort as it has a none return valve on it.
There must be someone that lives close to S E Essex that could come and help.

Here's a picture from a Haynes manual stating that you have to remove the clip on the carbon canister valve.....there doesn't seem to be a way around it.

So you'll have to replace it with either a Jubille Clip or a Spring Band Clip.

Reactions: lewie
Thanks Carl- (im in Kent)
the pic was helpful thanks, I now have some jubilee clips
Reactions: carlcall

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