Knockhill Audi Sport Race Track Initiative


Registered User
Jul 26, 2010
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Not sure if anyone has ever been on one of these before? If not and you are invited then, do what you need to do to get there. It’s one of the best experiences I’ve ever had.

On arrival I picked a nice parking spot between an RS 6 and an S3.

On approach to the restaurant there were three rows of vehicles. First row was RS Q3’s and RS7’s. Second row was RS 6’s and RS 3’s and the last row was R8 V10 Plus's and two RS 6 pace cars.

Once inside you booked in gave your licence details etc and then made your way to the business centre for refreshments. They then came and got us for lunch back in the restaurant. Bit fancy for me but ate it anyway. Fillet of beef, Salmon etc. etc.

After lunch you were taken back to the business centre for the safety briefing where you were also paired up with a partner. Luckily mine was a guy who used to do track days at Knockhill.

First up for our group was an Identify and avoid exercise in an RS 6. Each car had a radio link to the instructor. Basically you had to start from a point and floor it along the grandstand straight, up to a set of blue cones. You then had to leave it as late as possible and emergency stop avoiding the obstacle. RS 6 was awesome. This was ours.

Short Clip
Acceleration and stopping power was incredible. We ended up sitting revving the life out of it noising up the folks in front while we waited our turn. Obviously as you were paired you got to go as driver and passenger for a time.

We did this for half an hour then moved out to the paddock and into an RS 3. They had a course set out in cones in what is essentially a big gravelly car park. The instruction here was drive as fast or as slow as you like. A lead car took us round to familiarise yourself with the course. We did one run in comfort. One in dynamic and then finally in Dynamic with traction control off. OMG this was amazing. You basically just drove it like you stole it. Even though there was a fair bit of understeer you can get the back end out in these and drift. I think the slightly gravelly surface helped though. Was great to be able to take it to the limit and beyond on some occasions as you would never treat your own like this. This concluded our first hour.

Then it was on to RS Q3 and RS7 on a portioned off section of the track. One of the instructors sat at a vantage point and gave feedback on your racing line etc on each run. Again the premise here was go as fast and as smooth as possible. The RS Q3 was surprisingly fast and nimble which I wasn’t expecting. The RS 7 however for me was just a bit too big. Don’t get me wrong it’s a beast but I found it hard to handle. There was a brake sign at the end of the course which I was sure my partner was going to take out at some point. At this point we couldn’t actually believe what they were letting us do as it just seemed ridiculously dangerous! That was hour two.

Then we were into the R8 V10’s with helmets on. This was ours.

Back on to another section of the track. The pace car was a Nardo RS 6 which looked awesome. There was the pace car and three R8’s behind. Each time you reached the end they switched the order so you all got one chance going directly behind the pace car. Once behind the pace car if you kept on his back he pushed it further and further whilst taunting you on the radio. This was the fastest most incredible experience ever in a car. Being the passenger was frightening though. Once in the driving seat though, it felt like these cars could do anything you asked of it.
All in all it was one of, if not the best driving experience days I’ve ever had. The videos honestly don't do it justice.

If you ever get the chance do not turn it down. You’d be waving goodbye to the chance of a lifetime.
Reactions: jimojameso and AndyB-S3
Sounds incredible! How do you get invited on one of these days, or is it in exchange for lots of cash?
Reactions: Scottyg
Random call from a girl at Glasgow Audi who I bought a previous car from. She said my name goes in for each one but she has no control over who gets picked. I guess I just got lucky this time.
Reactions: Sandra and Scottyg

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