Disappointed with your Bose (S3) - play this track


Registered User
Nov 13, 2005
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I was driving home earlier & i flicked onto a prodigy album (fat of the land), track no. 1 - smack my bitch up. Boy was i surprised how good the Symphony 2 Bose reacted to this track. Now your probably thinking i m pretty sad to even bring this up but i was impressed.

Anyway just thought i would share my pleasure.

it's not a bad system - i like mine because the sound stage is quite high and central around the driver.

In the middle of a new ice install though mainly because i'm a talkaudio member!
Olly_K said:
I love my bose

Me to i dont understand how people are disappointed with this system its excellant, not quite a boot install but thats the point it is'nt & theres no need to mess with it unless you really want to.
passable is the best i'd describe it as. The sub is OK for housey rubbish, but next to useless for low bass and bottoms out really easily. It's not so bad that i want to rip it all out immediately though.
are we talking about the same system here ? I listen mainly to drum and bass in my car and it sounds awesome....I've got the bass turned up a bit and also the treble, but Im very impressed with the whole system for oem. OK, its not gonna make your hair vibrate with the low tones on the sub but its almost there, plus its factory and doesnt look like you've just taken a trip down to halfords.
The wife's A3 doesnt have bose, and that is poor, you can really noticed the difference once you get in mine
My A4 had an impressive sounding system (I thought) for a standard setup. I have now got a full on install in my S4... and yeah its louder... but think the S4 may have had the edge when listening at mild volumes.

no, unfortunately not. The b5 bose sounds significantly better than 8L bose.
ah ok, that will be why !
I didnt know there was a difference !
For some reason the sound in the 8L A3 is the worst I've ever heard in a modern car. All the Bose upgrade does it make it passable as madvw says, and by no means excellent as it should be in a £20k+ car.
For those of you that think its great then I urge you never to listen to a decent system.
With bose I have noticed it always sounds better further up the model range you go which is wrong, but it maybe just down to the sound deadin they use..the Bose in my car sounds excellent much better then my Allroad did and I'm using the same Phat noise.

I have listened to all vehicles with and without Bose and the Bose system really makes a diff, TT roadster by far gives the most Bass..it has the bigest Sub.. on my A6 the Bass shacks the mirror on half volume flat on the tone and listening to R&B..mid range bass could be slightly better but the system still soundds nice and tight and fairly bright.

A4 I have found different depending on the model and the interior Leather or not..Avant sound the best though.

But like everything in life everyone is different and some will love the system and some won't it all depends what your expitations are from the system..
Each model has a different output range

Have a look in the rear of your radio handbook and you can see the different outputs for the different models in there!
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