Gear gaiter for manual


Registered User
Feb 7, 2016
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My standard gaiter is looking old and now has a small hole. Can anyone recommend somewhere that sells them or will I need to just get one made. It's a 2009 manual of that makes a difference.

Try Mike at our parts request system
Does he do custom ones? I should have said really. I'd like a leather one as the original one looks vinyl
Hi peeps,

Chuck me your vehicle details on the parts request system and i'll see about prices of a replacement.

I don't do custom ones i'm afraid as I'm a Main Dealer, we generally don't venture into the custom world.

It may well list other variants of material though, but without your details I wont really know for sure.

If you know of a car that is the same as yours but has a leather version or a different colour thread that was used from factory then supply me with the reg of that particular car and I can work from that.

Kind Regards,

I don't know of a car with a one I want as standard sorry. It's just something I've done on cars in the past so I think I'll just get a one made as I've done before. They're usually not too expensive but if someone had a stock of them then that would likely be cheaper. Thanks anyway mate
For anyone that's interested I found a seller on Amazon to do one for £10.95 inc postage.

Amazon product

It's listed as black stitching. If you buy then email the seller then they will supply it with a different colour.

I've only just ordered so I can't say much about quality but I'll post another reply when I know more.
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