Folding Mirror Controller Issue


Registered User
Dec 13, 2014
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Wonder if anyone can help.

I've got a set of replacement door controllers 8T0 959 793/2 J to replace my original 8T0 959 793/2 Q controllers.

I'm having an issue with the new controllers where the basic function on the doors won't work, ie button illumination, central locking motor, mirror function and side indicator.

This happens on both doors, the controllers were picked as someone else had replaced Q with J and had no issues.

Coding is correct and when the original controllers are plugged back in, everything works as normal.

Any idea?
My controllers ending j aren't folding capable, in my experience it doesn't make a difference what letter the controller ends in what you need to look for is the squares top right hand corner of the controllers need to be completely shaded white, some are half shaded some are not shaded at all if you have controllers that are completely shaded white in the squares then maybe your convenience module isn't correct.
Are yours 8K0 or 8T0 as there is a difference.

I think I know what the issue is now anyway.
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