S1 Adjustable Dampers Problem


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
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I thought I would post what recently happened to my S1, in case someone else has a similar experience in the future.
A couple of weeks ago, my wife and myself were travelling on the motorway at around 70mph, with Audi Drive Select in auto setting (which we find comfortable, suspension-wise).

Suddenly, the ride became very firm and uncomfortable. My initial thought was the dampers were running in dynamic setting.

I called in to the local Audi dealer (no appointment). The technician sat in the car and pressed the ADS button to confirm all three settings showed on the screen. As there were no warnings showing, we booked the S1 in for investigation.

Yesterday, we dropped the car off. Things didn’t bode well, when the “technician” phoned and said there were no faults showing, and, when driving in the three operating modes, there was no change in the suspension! He said this was because my car did not have adjustable dampers! I pointed out to the service department, that all S1’s come as standard with adjustable dampers, as was confirmed in the Audi A1/S1 brochure. They went to the sales department to check, and also supposedly contacted Germany, re the problem!

Today, we were contacted by the service department, and told another “technician” had looked at the car, he had driven it, and believed the adjustable dampers was operating correctly in each of the three settings. Could I go down and go out for a drive with the technician? So, I subsequently arrived and, on my instigation, sat down for a discussion. The technician confirmed that he believed the dampers were operating correctly, i.e. softer in efficiency and auto, compared with dynamic. When I quoted the first technician stating that the ride was the same in all three settings and there were no adjustable dampers fitted, they wanted to forget that!

I felt the easiest way to resolve the problem, was to drive mine back-to-back with another S1, which they didn’t have. So, I said I would arrange to go to the supplying dealer and arrange back-to-back drives with them.

On the drive home, the settings/dampers were back working normally, driving on the same roads, where, previously, the problem was highlighted. When I picked my wife up, without prompting, she said that the S1 was back to being “comfortable”.

Now, read what you will into this. Either, whilst connecting/disconnecting the test equipment etc., something was reconnected properly, or, there was a “problem”, which was fixed, not admitted to, so helping maintain Audi’s "reliability" record.
Yes, positive. I have been driving for over 50+ years, with many different makes/types of cars, so I consider I know what I'm talking about. And that's ignoring the fact that the first technician said there was no change in the ride on the three suspension settings. In addition, before taking it to the dealer, I continued driving with the problem for nearly 2 weeks, over many of the same roads where the car previously rode smoothly prior to the problem occuring, and it now rides smoothly on them again.
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