Dension Ipod Help


Registered User
Mar 8, 2006
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Trying to fit the Dension IPOD link managed ti find it easy enough apart from when i connect my IPOD it just gives me the disconnect symbol.

Has anybody had to update the dension software, the guys i bought it from have told me to just connect the small dension unit to my ipod run this update and wait 15mins then reconnect.

Just wondered if anybody else had gone through this palarva.

Im running a 3 weeks old a4 2006 concert stereo
never had to update the dension software on my ice-link plus - it's worked straight out of the box since november last year.. I doubt I'll ever update it either, as if its not broken...
ok after 4hrs and several phone calls ive sent it back Total junk.

My cars 2 weeks old and incompatible with the dension .

If you gonna buy one and have a brand new car just get the audi 1 at 175 and spend the extra, the dension is total junk, phoned 3 Car stereo fitters and all commented at what junk it is.

Thats my opinion though and theres, if yours works, your fine hehe.
£175? theres an audi dealer on ebay regularly selling them For £100 - well at least there was.

I'd have bought one of those, but I bought mine before the audi one came out.
Madvw is right. The Audi iPod adapter is £100 in dealers, and so easy to fit, even I can do it. It also works a treat.

I have to say although I went the Audi adapter route, you are are first person I have ever known to have had problems with the Dension ICE-Link. So, instead of writing the product off as total junk, just consider the possibility that you had the bad luck to get a defective one.
easy to fit ? ie does it just work no updateing software like the dension etc ?
I've the Dension, had in it in my A3 and also in my A4, no poblems, easy to fit and works straight out of the box (I hope you did remember to connect the black earth cable!) Maybe you should have checked first to see if it works with your car or not first. As Jeff said - don't write it off as for a long time it was the only way to get the iPod integrated into the Audi's apart from aftermarket HUs.
Tobez said:
easy to fit ? ie does it just work no updateing software like the dension etc ?

Plug and play.

However, the Audi adapter doesn't allow you to operate the iPod from the click-wheel. That's completely disabled once it's connected. You operate it from the HU by creating playlists (maximum of 6) that correspond to the CDs in a 6-disc changer.
i had the guy to fit the audi one in and he instead hard wired my Harman Kardon.

The only issue now is sonce the dension was used both myIpod although work as a walkman will not connect to the system they just say disconnected.

ive tried my m8s and its fine done hard resets allsort but nothing.
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