Dreaded Rear Wiper & Washer Not Working


Registered User
Nov 22, 2012
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Rear wiper not working,removed backplate from wiper motor and it was full of rust and seized up,bought one off eBay, before fitting it I removed backplate to see what it was like, and it looked brand new.
So fitted it and it still does not work,checked fuses 41 & 42 both OK

Can't here any relays energising, the boot is shut.

Any help appreciated.

Anyone got wiring diagram or what voltage should I get on which pins on the motor

It is worth checking the rubber boots protecting the wires coming into the tailgate. Peel the boots back and check for broken wires. On my MK 4 golf the relevant wires are on the passenger side as a starting point for you.
Yes Tailgate closed,
will check wiring

IF I Leave tailgate open it lets me know on dashboard

any help anyone ?
Whats it like to drive a dewipered car, isn't it a ****** to see out the back when it rains?

Also is it just fuse 41 and 42 I would need to check for wiper motor, mines playing up as well
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