Hi everyone from the south coast


A3 Sportback
VCDS Map User
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Christchurch, Dorset
Hi Everyone.

Just joined the forum tonight after picking up my first Audi, It's an '09 plated A3 sportback. So far over the moon with it, just need to get familiar with the interior..... you know what it's like when you switch cars, going into the unknown from the older and familiar. all the controls are in the wrong places

Hi Matt, welcome to audi-sport.net. Lots of info in the a3 section. Where in South are you? Post up some pics of the car. Enjoy the forum x
Welcome to the forum
I'm a newbie here too
so I know what you mean about finding your way round the car
Whereabouts on the south coast are you? I'm based outside Fareham
Hi and welcome I have also purchased my first Audi which is also an a3 sportback 61 plate please post pics
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