Hi guys


Registered User
Jun 16, 2015
Reaction score
first let me apologise for my first post being a request for help this is not how I usually role but needs must and I'm desperate for some of you guys pro advice.

I have a 2003 a6 Quattro 2.5 tdi v6 and last week I suspect the oil cooler failed as my header tank filled up with neat oil, I don't suspect hg as the engine still runs sweet as a nut (all thing considering) any hoo, I've stripped the air on unit out to gain access to the oil cooler and in between the a/c unit and the oil cooler is the compressor mounting bracket? I've removed all visible bolts and it's still stuck in solid, anyone know if there are any hidden bolts or anything that will get me moving again? Spent two hours today trying to get it out to no avail and online options of research are pretty slim, thanks in advance dudes and I'll introduce myself properly in the intro section soon.

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