Keep your keys in a metal box in the house

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Registered User
Dec 16, 2014
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i know there's a 14 page thread on car theft and Advanced Key, but this link offers a new twist. Thieves around here are using a signal amplifier to allow the car to communicate with the key from a much greater distance than usual, such as while the key is still inside the house, and unlock the doors. Among other things, the cops suggest keeping your keys in a metal box to shield them. Not sure the freezer is such a good idea though, it might kill the battery.
This relay attack is mentioned several times in the Advanced Key thread

But the usual head in the sand scenario played out

And yes, it unlocks the doors
Starts the car
And let you drive the car for as long as you want without the key being in it
Until you switch it off.

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Emmmm, I guess this might be an issue if you live on a caravan park chock full of ne-er do wells and pikeys. Thankfully I'm in a quite part of town where the old fogeys wouldn't know an S3 from a C5.

I'll keep my advanced key in the jacket pocket where they always are come the day.............
I personally prefer to keep mine in a Mono-pur lined box so it feels extra special
Reactions: A3_Rider, andywil13, Simon L and 2 others
I'm just going to put my car in a metal box and bury it under 6 ft of sand Nobody can drive it away then
Reactions: kanecullen89, Simon L and Jimowl
I've seen that advert, and it's not impressive

in every way
Keyless ignition... tech clearly is easy to get round. I just wouldn't spec it on any car. Chap I used to work with had his BMW stolen without keys a few weeks ago. That was from his driveway. I'm amazed that insurers are offering theft cover for cars that have it fitted. Even the sales rep at Audi who's annoying me to order an RS3 doesn't recommend it! Says it all really...
This thread is turning into 'Advanced Key Easy Theft II'

Reactions: JohnM100
I thought there was a misconception here and that any vulnerability really lies with the remote opening being used and intercepted, which just about any car has as standard now. Keyless entry/ignition therefore should be MORE secure as you're not openly transmitting, rather relying on the very close proximity sensor or the car?
Reactions: Simon L
Yeah, I agree SS.

Although there's an even bigger misconception here. These reports seem to imply that owners of advanced key systems are somehow significantly more likely to become the victim of theft. What a load of cobblers! In all likelihood those cars would have been stolen anyway. The bottom line is if some scallywag has decided they're gonna do a runner with your motor, they'll do a runner with your motor and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.

Until Audi release their 'Advanced Countermeasures Pack' to include toughened glass that can withstand a rocket launcher, 6 inch steel panels with deadlocks and optional pressure nozels that spray acid on would be intruders there isn't a great deal of point sweating on it
You mean mono.pur doesn't come with a complimentary Advanced Countermeasures Pack already?
Absolutely remarkable levels of denial on this forum when it comes to this advanced key carry on. It seems there is literally nothing the advanced key gang are prepared to accept without sticking their fingers in their ears and singing lalalalala not listening.
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Although there's an even bigger misconception here. These reports seem to imply that owners of advanced key systems are somehow significantly more likely to become the victim of theft. What a load of cobblers! are they not? Is it possible to use this latest amplifying technique with a normal key?? And even if you admit the answer to that is no, next you will be saying, "Oh but they will just break in and steal it anyway" Which is of course possible, but its harder, its another step they need to take isnt it!

The bottom line is if some scallywag has decided they're gonna do a runner with your motor, they'll do a runner with your motor and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.

Absolutely shocking. I hope you dont have any children.
What is it with you lot bickering like old spinsters
Add posts to the existing thread on advanced key.

Reactions: Tej13, elpaulio, monopole and 3 others
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