camshaft > bearing cap timing marks


Registered User
Mar 9, 2015
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Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone can help, timing 'window' on camshaft inlet side dies not line up with bearing cap arrow slightly advances, but outlet does, is the timing out? Engine is 1.8 20 T AUM
Cheers for any advice.
The inlet should line up, and the exhaust should be every so slightly offset to the rear. With the engine at TDC (check the marks on the crankshaft pulley and camshaft cover), there should be 16 links between the two sprocket marks, as per this image :

Inlet cam mark needs to be spot on, exhaust cam mark will be slightly off towards the turbo. Then cam pulley mark needs to be spot on with the valve cover mark.
The intake came is a tooth out I think all other marks are spot on thanks!
You have too allow for compression of the tensioner... the important bit is the roller count... if cam to cam timing is out there will be a fault code

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