Auto/ multitronic actually Manual


Registered User
Jul 2, 2014
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Hi all Iv had my B8 for over a year now and Iv just looked online at various sites for value etc and every site claims my car is an auto/ multitronic, it can't possibly have had the transmission changed can it or does this happen?
These sort of mix-ups happen to a few folks' cars. The worst is when a car is registered and sold as a quattro but is in fact only FWD.

Don't worry about the transmission having been changed.
I don't know where the data gets loaded. Half the car insurance sites think my S4 is an Avant (it's not). The other half have it down correctly. No idea how that happened.
I had a 200cc 2 stroke that was registered as a 250cc 4 stroke once.....
What made me actually wonder was when I filled in the online booking form on the audi site for a service, even they are getting one of there cars data wrong
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