Quad pipes ... only for show?

A bit of 'off piste' helps the forum along. I like banter and it does add a lot to the feeling of friendliness.

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Reactions: Bristle Hound
What's the chance of getting Sepang wrap?? I want to be in the gang....

Sorry for going off topic... a chat box type thing would be pretty good?..

Oh and Quad pipes.. anyone notice when switching between the modes there is not an awful lot of difference? I was driving through the town and fluctuating between 1.5k / 2.5k and 3k etc in various gears to see if there was difference...but guess it would be harder to hear from inside of the car (I did have the window down), is stationary the best place to try? I haven't attempted the valve mod yet..scared..lol
You need to be in Dynamic mode for all 4 pipes to be "used".

Sorry to drag up an old thread, but is this definitely the case? I though the valves for the other pipes opened at around 2500rpm regardless.

I normally drive around in Individual with Engine sound on Dynamic, Steering Dynamic and Gearbox/Engine Auto. So Dynamic mode would be louder?

When the salesman was showing me the car on collection day he went through the modes and I quote "Don't bother with Auto, it's rubbish".

I keep mine in dynamic 24/7 now as I like the sports car stiffness feel (after all it's why I bought the car!), I did try comfort the other week but the steering felt mushy after being used to dynamic. Maybe on a long motorway drive comfort would be better!?!...I'm doing a 300+ mile run up to Oban next month so I'll try it again then.
I'm not talking about the "Auto" mode in drive select.

S-Tronic defaults to sport mode in Dynamic which is a bit over the top for driving around town. So I have setup Individual mode on driveselect (Allows you to setup each aspect individually) with everything set to Dynamic (Except Gearbox which is Auto).

What I want to know is whether there would be a difference in exhaust sound between those settings/Individual Mode and full Dynamic mode. I don't think I can tell a difference but a few people have said you must be in dynamic mode for loudest exhaust.
I always have the car in dynamic; you can knock the gearbox back into D (which I do mostly, S is too aggressive for day-to-day).
I always have the car in dynamic; you can knock the gearbox back into D (which I do mostly, S is too aggressive for day-to-day).

Yeah can do, just would be nice to know if doing the stuff in Individual gives the same result, or if Dynamic still gives more noise.

There are quite a few threads on this, about the different circumstances where the flaps open etc., leading people to do the flap mod. Have a search.
There are quite a few threads on this, about the different circumstances where the flaps open etc., leading people to do the flap mod. Have a search.

I have searched. The whole reason I posted in this thread (go up a few) is I cannot find a definitive answer in any of the old threads. One person says something, another says something else.
Post #8 in this thread has the links to the exhaust flaps.
I have searched. The whole reason I posted in this thread (go up a few) is I cannot find a definitive answer in any of the old threads. One person says something, another says something else.

The exhaust flaps will only open in dynamic mode this also includes if you have dynamic set in individual

The exhausts are open when car in idling but close when you drive until around 2500 revs (I'm sure this can be changed with VCDS).

Or as mentioned you can just unplug them so the are always open.
Reactions: 15audis3
Is the S3 steering set up significantly different to an A3? I have my steering in Dynamic, but gearbox Comfort in the A3. The Comfort steering on the A3 is far too light and makes the car feel a bit flimsy. Maybe something is wrong with mine?
It's not too different, the S3 does have the optional variable ratio rack, which is also not a great hit with me (it makes the car less intuitive to place on the corner apex, or wherever you're aiming for).

The weighting (dynamic) is entirely artificial, but if you like it, that's your preference, but for me it does not lend itself to fast driving and fast steering.
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