New a3, steering wheel upgrade - MK1 TT?

Luke Gaiger

Registered User
Jan 14, 2015
Reaction score

I've just bought my first 1.6 SE a3 8p, pre facelift.

It has the skinny steering wheel which I'd like to change, along with a lot of other parts.

I'd prefer to get a much newer steering wheel, but at my budget, I've been looking at ones such as the chunkier ones that come on some of the 1.6 8p prefacelift sport models, like this:

I've also come across the mk1 Audi TT ones which seem a similar shape, but just have a nicer silver centre. Will a mk1 TT wheel fit, as well as wire correctly with the airbag e.t.c? This is the sort:

If not, I assume the other chunkier one from the prefacelift 8P's will be fairly easy to fit?

My airbag light is also on at the moment anyway, so will try to sort that out whilst changing the wheel!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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I fitted a 2001 s3 steering wheel and air bag to a 2005 a3 tdi recently and it fitted straight on in place of the original 4 spoke, I used the wiring from the 4 spoke.
I fitted a 2001 s3 steering wheel and air bag to a 2005 a3 tdi recently and it fitted straight on in place of the original 4 spoke, I used the wiring from the 4 spoke.
Ah great, thanks a lot! Hopefully a TT one will be fine then


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