Misano Red vs. Brilliant Red Photo Comparison

Seems to look smaller in Misano..........

However back to the colour. It's really not possible to do Misano justice on a photograph. You need to see it on a nice sunny day and get the full effect.

A bit like Sepang really, need to see that on a sunny day too, so you can see just how bad it is...........

100% agreed. I've got Misano on my 58 plate A3 Sline, and when checking them out online I couldn't make out too much of a difference. In the flesh Misano won by a mile and was probably the best extra I got for the car. Brilliant colour, love it on this particular car. A work colleague had a red A4 not in Misano and she always raved about how good my car looked, colour wise, compared to hers.
My frog eyes really can't see the difference either.....
Reactions: David83S1 and Blackwhite
Unless they are side by side in the same shade of light, it's always going to look different even if it was the same car.
However in the first example which they are side by side, it looks exactly the same.
I would say the top pic is brilliant red. Seems a bit deeper, darker more 'red'
The bottom pic is misano as it appears to have the 'orange' hue to me

Could be wrong mind ...

You are; top is Misano and the bottom is my Brilliant red S3.

Just shows that the two colours are very similar and only look different in the right light situation.
Reactions: dorgs and David83S1
You are; top is Misano and the bottom is my Brilliant red S3.

Just shows that the two colours are very similar and only look different in the right light situation.

Will have a look with my glasses on now ....

... Oh I can see now. Top is misano & bottom is brilliant
Reactions: dorgs and Blackwhite
I only got misano as my car was from stock and was in fact the only one with the spec I wanted. Given the choice, I'd have been happy with brilliant red as in ordinary light, there is very little difference. Misano is different in sunny conditions, but how often do we get them?!!!
Unless they are side by side in the same shade of light, it's always going to look different even if it was the same car.

That's what makes pearlescent different

The other day I park my sepang S3 next to my mates sepang RSQ3 and everyone commented as to why mine was so much darker....
We all moved around to a different angle and his then turned darker and mine lighter.

Pictures just can't show the pearlescence hence they do look underwhelming in photos.
You will not see true colours from a photograph, the colour temp of the light the type and make of camera and the settings too, never mind how your screens calibrated. A blue will look blue and a red will look red but unless its all from calibrated equipment its no good looking at shades.
So it seems a fairly pointless exercise. You need to go to a dealer and look at the colours to have any hope at all.
At best we can get some idea. As Martin says the Pearl isn't going to show up very much at all. Certainly Sepang looks crap in photographs.
lol steeve you never cease to amuse me with the Sepang comments
They look the same in low light. In absolute bright sunlight the Misano has a very inconspicuous pearl effect and a hint of orange. When I read this when ordering my car I was worried about it showing a bunch of metal flake and being too orange. It is not at all. Very. happy with the color. The car before my current one was brilliant red. They are very close
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