How to remove b7 avant s line side skirts


Registered User
Aug 28, 2014
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Had a Google around and searched on here but came up blank for b7 avant. So as the title says can anyone please advise how to remove b7 avant s line side skirts?

very carefully mate, very carefully.....

Thanks rob I will action that step by step plan tomorrow

Seriously though do you know something I don't. Are they really brittle or something, or just pain the the ***?
to be frank, i really don't know as i have not tried that operation as yet, but its early days on the scale of things, i do recal seeing an article though and the phrase a right "P in the A" cropped up a few times.
i suspect that a full and indepth solution from other guys on here will be forthcoming shortly mate, you may want to hold back until you have all the relavant info etc.
maybe this link will assist you.
Reactions: SDHA4SLine
Thanks rob, it looks relatively simple to me what am I missing?
mines a saloon thou I think its pretty much the same thing.make sure to get a set of replacement bolts, mine were seized, total pain in the **** to get out. and whilst they made of quite durable ABS plastic it wouldn't hurt to be gentle with them as in the end its still plastic.
It took us about 25 -30 mins to remove (one side only- as we were changing the passenger side front wing).
you see, i did say there was a "P in A " part of this job.
why are you removing the skirts may I ask ? are you going OCD with the cleaning again !? lol

or are you planning some kind of skirt upgrade ?
Lol, yes a little with the cleaning (I want to make sure no rust under there) but mainly because the rear parts are going to be replaced on both sides as mine are both split/broken.
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