RNS-e retrofit - No Bluetooth sound - VCDS shows error "Open circuit"


Registered User
Aug 18, 2012
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Hi everyone,

Having yanked the RNS-e and Bluetooth module that I'd retrofitted to my first A3 (2006), I've now come to fit it into my newer A3 Black Edition (2010). I've made all mods required to my "plug and play" wiring harness i.e. moving the BOSE connection, and moving the AUX pins to its own connector.

So I go about removing the Concert head unit to discover some wires piggy backing of of the new A3's quadlock connector. I quickly learn that the car already had Bluetooth fitted. Great!

Not getting my hopes up too much, I thought I'd drop in the RNS-e in the Concert's place. After some VCDS fiddling my RNS-e can connect to pre-fitted BT module, but i get no sound.

After examining the pin outs for both units, it seems as though the RNS-e has MIC connections, whereas the Concert doesn't. So I'm assuming the existing BT module has the MIC interface and can leave the RNS-e's MIC connections, not connected. The rest of the telephone related pins seem to be identical.

After running a VCDS scan i get the following error for the Telephone module (77)...

02503 - Output Wire to Radio
011 - Open Circuit
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101011
Fault Priority: 5
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 45
Mileage: xxxxx km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2014.06.15
Time: 14:06:32

VCDS says the BT module already fitted is "8P0 862 335 S", where as the one i pulled from my old A3 is "8P1 862 335"

May some one shed some light? Is it possible to do what I'm trying to (re-use the pre fitted, yet different BT module)?

Thanks in advance!
I have that error on mine and have no issues, only on my RNS-e, not my original Concert.
Ah sweet. The question about the MIC connection and lack of sound still remain
Hmmm. Time to take things apart and try and get to the bottom of things!
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