Latest RNS-E in new TT


Registered User
Sep 9, 2012
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Hi guys, Ok I know this is another RNSE thread so apologise in advance...

Its just that I can't help but wonder about the unit that would be supplied if you were to go buy a new £50k+ Audi TT...!

Have Audi upgraded the unit since the mk2, to include things to bluetooth from your phone, and scrolling the sub menus and not just the music?

The reason I ask, is that a friend has a new A6 with the pop up screen etc and the way the system works is superb, I just can't help but wonder how short changed you be in getting 2004 onwards tech in a new TT as that was when the first rnse was released.

Anyway, just a thought really, as Im wondering whether its worth upgrading my mk1 to a mk2!
Won't be a problem much longer, new TT on MQB Platform will be launched very shortly

Have you seen the pics of the combined integrated display in the instrument pack?! Awesome !

edit: Here

New Audi TT interior shown at CES | Autocar
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Reactions: Audi-Rog and NHN
Wow that airbags so big it may keep stuart little safe.
Reactions: Andy1608

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