A3 Sportback 2010 Black Edition Xenon Adaptive Headlight Range Control Re-Coding.??


Registered User
Jan 21, 2014
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Hi Guys.... Can anyone help..?? I have just changed one of the Xenon adaptive headlights with DRL's in my A3 and I now have the error of 'Range Control Defective' on my dash... I have been told its a simple job of re coding the headlights to the car ??

I have rang Plymouth Audi to try and get a booking but I am beating my head against the wall as the service dept is pretty shocking.... They only do basic service work on Saturdays apparently..? WTF..???

Is there anyone in or around the Plymouth area with VAG-Com that could possibly do this little job..?? Beer tokens or cash... either is good for me.!!


Fairly normal for a dealer on a Saturday tbh, just search the vcds map for a user near you or buy vcds yourself.
Hey..Thanks for the info NHN I will check out the map.... I think there is a guy in Kingsbridge which is only about 20 miles away.!

I have been looking at the VCDS and a mate of mine also needs it.. could probably go halfs with him... Is Ross-Tech the best place to buy this from.? it doesn't seem that expensive until you start looking at pro level kit.?

You must ignore my rant about the Audi dealership in my town.. they are just not very good in many ways which I won't go into but on comparing the level of service from the dealership I work at they seem to be way behind in customer care.! We even have a tech who works on the service desk who uses diagnostics when a customer comes to the door with an issue.!
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