Looking for a switched Live feed


Registered User
Jan 25, 2014
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Newbie to an A4 B6 carbiolet
I'm trying to fit a parrot bluetooth kit and need a switched live feed
Can anyone give me some pointers
If your fitting it in with the radio then there will most likely be an ignition switched feed to the radio.
Hi I bought a fused wire from halfords for about £1.40 and swapped the air con fuse with it. Think it's number 20
It works a treat
The head unit doesn't have a switched live. Borrow it from the fuse box next to the steering wheel
the headunits do have a switched live (its the white wire) but i would avoid using it as its connected to the canbus and if anything goes wrong it could screw up a lot more things than the radio
best thing to do is find a fuse under the dashboard and run from there

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