car not selling

Seems a fair price. A year's MOT is the way to go in my opinion. Trouble with the 2.5 lump (at this age) is that possible buyers are looking for smaller, more frugal engines, partly for insurance, and partly due to emissions (the 2.5 road tax is a killer), and those with a need for speed will opt for the infinitely tweakable 1.8T if looking for a B5. Because its lowered it only appeals to other drivers like yourself, so again quite niche.

Drop it to a grand, get a year's MOT and 6 months tax... and hopefully it will sell. Good luck.
Hi thanks for the reply, i will be putting MOT and tax on it in the next couple of weeks.

All the negative reasons you put are why I'm selling, not that any of them are particularly bad just that im looking to save £20-30 a month
We're the car is advertised will make a difference, having sold a car every 6 months for the last few years I find a classified advert on eBay is the most productive. Wack a best offer option on there so you can open up negotiations!

It can cost anywhere from 15 upwards depending on what deals they have at the time, but with a classified there are no selling fees.

As for MOT it's worth getting it done ASAP even if it means a month early, that way you showing buyers the car is ready for sale and won't cost them extra money. Tax is a bonus but again makes it more appealing.

your ad mentions brake discs, my advise it bite the bullet and replace them or get them skimmed if poss. Again it will make your car more appealing.

take good pics and write a detailed advert that shows how much you have cherished owning the car and how much you know about it.

i think 1100 is a fair price TBH and you will get it if your advert is well written and detailed enough.

just my opinion lol
Apologies for the poor spelling but using my phone to post at the mo lol
Thanks TrisLC fair comments, my gut feel is that i would get much more if I broke it and sold in bits

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