Help a3 1.8t quattro gearbox problems


Registered User
Mar 3, 2013
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Hello everybody i purchased an audi A3 1.8T quattro 51 plate 154000 and remaped from 180bhp to 220 bhpon the clock, its been fine past 3 days since i bought it and today driving slowly went for 5th gear an its like there nothink there no resistance going into gear and same in 6th its like the cars in nautral when it goes in these to gears, theres no crunching or grinding noises at all, but can but hard to get into first or second and crunches when going into 1st or second, any advice would be most appreciated
hello mate welcome to ASN, ok first off open the bonnet and look down on top of the gearbox, you will see 2 cables make sure both are connected on the gear selector levers and then make sure they are secure on the bracket ive had cables come loose on the brackets before now

the gearbox failed about 2 hours ago so looks like gearbox rebuild any one have any ideas on price for one so i know what to expect
take it back to where you got it from if its a dealers
You may have only damaged the selector fork. The rivets snap and it falls off allowing no gears to be selected or gets stuck in a gear. I've repaired a few boxes when that's happened. Easy repair with the box out.
sounds like a selector fork for gears 5&6 has gone awol.

That's what mine felt like - like a spoon in bean can for 5/6th. The rest of the gears would have taken the strength of he-man to engage. Mine was still stuck in 5th gear with no way of de-selecting it because of the broken 5/6 fork. Trying to select another gear whilst still in 5 or 6 gear was always going to be hard

you was right it was the selector fork for 5th an 6th gear , thanks for everyones help

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