Red steering light and yellow esp light after battery was disconnected.


Registered User
Feb 2, 2013
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I disconnected the battery today and once it was reconnected the ESP and a red steering light came on and won't go away.
I've done some research and I've tried all the tricks like turning the wheel to the left and right and driving and such but it's still there.

The steering is still powered.

Had my parts dealer friend do a diagnostic and no faults were found. This wasn't a vagcom cable, but one of the £1000 diagnostic machines for all cars that he sells to garages.

I think the battery may be on it's way out. It's at 55% capacity, unserviceable. Not sure if that's connected, but either way I'm getting that sorted tomorrow.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,

Use vcds & scan, as vcds can pickup things allot others do not.
I had these come up when i recently swapped my battery. Went out after driving about 100m from my drive.
Yeah, I've driven about, no change! I might have to get myself a VCDS set up!
I sell the genuine vcds, but maybe 1st get it scanned by a local owner 1st before going to that expense unless you'd like it for future diagnotics aswell, then its well worthwhile.
I had the exact same problem when i had a knackered battery in my 20ltr tdi A3, the battery died and after a jump started the lights were on but once a new battery was put in and the faults cleared away they went.
Those faults came up on my dash when I disconnected the battery and then reconnected again.
They cleared within a mile of driving.

Could anyone help me with some info on replacing the battery?

I have bought Varta E44 and undone the clamps. Cannot pull the old battery out, something is holding it in place.
Do I need to undo the airbox to gain access to the screw holding the battery in place?
13mm bolt on bottom left hand side needs undoing, mind the bracket held down by this bolt aswell.
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