Is anyone else as sad as me?

Yeah mate, every trip, but mine are ok.

Its other peoples that are entirely unacceptable.

Funniest thing to do is, stick air re-circ on so air stays in the car and no fresh air comes in.

Finger on the passenger window switch (drivers side obviously). So when they go for a gasp of the fresh stuff, deny them of this.

Let off a steamer. Silent ideally.

The passengers face is brilliant!!
Reactions: NICK-C

Lmfao, this thread is funny.

I am similar to you but ever since I picked mine up the volume knob was in the 9 o'clock position so it HAS to stay in that position and only I can use the mfsw controls to alter the volume. If my wife or anyone else touches it, then it kicks off!

Haha love it, need to try that one and get my own back on the wife as she is pregnant at the mo and her farts are worse than ever!! Lol.
Ok, so where to start...???
I guess I have it as bad as some of you as I can relate to almost everything posted......In fact I'm sure I have more if I think, but see below for me ( god help )

First thing I think when someone gets into my car is "I hope their shoes are clean". Yep thats me
when i pick her up i make her but her shoes in a bag
done that
I took a towel with us which went straight down in the passenger footwell, and said person had to keep feet on said towel done that or similar
I think it's quite normal: you have a clean car and want it to stay that way. totally agree 110%
I have a 'best' set of floor mats for the drier weather, mainly summer .....I only have 2
What about a no fingers on glass policy?? Lol totally with you
People who slam the door.. I could easily leave them lying there on the pavement where I just picked them up from. I'm with you on this....It can sometimes be a shout ARRRRGHHH after the event, now I try and have a quiet word before to try and avoid it
I keep some aftershave in the glovebox for client visits and sometimes spray the headlining so it smells good...I do that, usually with a cheaper everyday aftershave though to be fair, my Jean Paul Gaultier is kept for
Oh yeah, fiancee never allowed to touch ANY dials +1
the scuff plates are for show not for stepping in or out of the car! OMFG.....they are kept nice n shiny for a reason!!!
Don't slam the doors or boot either let the weight of the door and gravity do it with a feather like push or just let me do it +1
Never done the bin bag thing but came kinda close with my own version I
Instead I bit my tongue as her youngest son was in the back (stuffing a snickers wrapper down my seat as I later discovered NO NO NO definitely NO food or drink in the car and certainly not by anyone under 21 and as OCD as I am
had the car washed or detailed the mrs likes to wind the window down passenger side and leave wet smears all over the just glass cleaned windows She has been well warned of the consequences of such
have to have all air vents in the same way
Although I have dual zone Climate control they are ALWAYS set to sync so that both show 21c and NEVER EVER set to different values unless its an emergency...
Just to add to this thread... as soon as I get into my car I always use hand sanitizer gel before I touch any panels or the steering wheel.
This thread has cheered me right up!! I knew I wasn't the only one!

in addition to all of the above, until my younger two are out of there cars seats then its in the wife's car we go! Those little indents the car seats leave on the leather drive me nuts , not to mention the rough plastic on them!! my eldest is ok, and knows the rules, when I picked her up along with friends the other day ,as I pulled up I saw here telling them to bin the food and brush themselves down, she got a gold star that day !

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