Headlight Switch

£24 il have one. Mines mashed.
I think they look great chrome matches with the speedo rings etc.
AZ have a look at the first page post number 34 is that what you were after

Thats spot on Paul! Cheers for the pm and heads up mate, I'll be swapping the face plates over once I manage to get the ****** switch back out of my dash, god knows what it's managed to get itself stuck on!

Top man.
I love finding old threads like this

Will this fit ny b7

I.e are b6 and b7 light switches the same
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Just stumbled over this as well so 'borrowed' the chrome switch out of my son's 10 plate polo to try in my b7. Fitted but didn't work properly which is a bummer because one of the small leds in my switch is goosed.
Sorry for a thread revival but does anyone know of the golf knob will actually fit the Audi headlight body?

Rather than doing it the waypabs did?
The switch from the Mk6 Golf is totally different from the b7 if that helps?
Reactions: Dani_B19
Haha not really but thanks Steve.

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