coilpack recall, Why are Audi so insistant on getting my car in??


Registered User
Jun 2, 2010
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Audi keep contacting about getting my car in to check the coilpacks. I know they were all changed just before I bought the car. It wasnt done at Audi but throught Audi specialist tuners somewhere or other. Anyway, it was due to be done today, but explained I may not be able to make it and they said they would sent the technician out to me wherever i was to do it !!!
I have had no issues, warning lights or anything so assume they are good. Is there another reason behind all this? Why else would Audi being prepared to put themselves out for this? I caar two spare in the car with me also as I have heard it is wise to have spares. I don tleave the car with the ignition on and engine not running as I feel this may contribute to this common problem.
Remember a thread here some time ago where a coil pack started a fire - saved by disconnecting the battery - can't remember exactly what it was all about but it was a faulty coil pack.
Mine were checked out a couple of months back, the car is seven years old !! They were in fact OK - presumably not the serial numbers Audi are looking for ??
Audi do not know yours have been done, their records show
a car that may be suspect
no record of them being changed

I get regular reminders ,about cam belts, their records show it's due, blah blah, but as the belts were done at an independant's ..... oh and the pollen filters are overdue, no records..... I do the pollen filters !!
Gary at Camberley Audi as informed that it is becaus they have a list of cars and until they have been checked, they cant delete that as being flagged up.
Fair enough!!
2 of mine had already been changed by an independant garage and Audi still replaced all 4 of mine a few weeks back
Gary at Camberley Audi as informed that it is becaus they have a list of cars and until they have been checked, they cant delete that as being flagged up.
Fair enough!!

Indeed... mine was at Camberley Audi !!

If the Independant had supplied two ,that happened to be from the 'suspect batch', then I suppose tAudi would change them as they wouldn't know that they were not 'theirs', just that they were 'dodgy' ??
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All four passed as fine. He even complimented me on how clean it was and how it looked !!!! Quite funny really as it was by far and away the oldest car I could see there!
Remember a thread here some time ago where a coil pack started a fire - saved by disconnecting the battery - can't remember exactly what it was all about but it was a faulty coil pack.
this was probably mine and yes it burst into flames and started burning down the loom
luckily it was one of the front ones so it only burnt its own loom so no wonder they want it in to check
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