hmmm headlight cleaning problem..


top gear
Aug 13, 2010
Reaction score
Coventry, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Seen a few threads on here about restoring headlights, so i thought i would give it a go. Before i bought the car one of the headlights had been replaced because it had a bump on that side so the other headlight sticks out like a sore thumb, due to ageing and weathering or wateva haha.

Gave it the old wet & dry sandpaper treatment on the plastic headlight which i was abit worried about, seems to have scratched quite alot, i have polished over a few times, but if anything it looks worse. I do think there might be a slight crack in the casing of the headlight that may be causing condensation on the inside though. And i hand polished it and didn't use a machine polish,

Anyone had the same problems?. thanks
Think the grade was 400 wet and dry and yeah soaked before, to tell you the truth think i've fu*ked it. Just looks really scratched up prob cause the grade was not fine enough.

MAte you want to be using 1200 minimum! Try going over it with 1200 which is a lot finer, this might sort it out but you'll have to put some effort in to get the scratches out from the 400.
Cheers, i'll have a go, it was the spur of the moment thing. Spotted a thread on here and went out to the car without putting much thought into it. It will cost me now rushing into things
Damn, 400 grit!? Use 800 and then 1200 and then even finer. All should be soaked in water for at least 10 minutes. Take your time with each grade. Its gonna take some effort but I think you'll be able to sort it. Even after you've worked to 1200 it'll look hazed and 'scratched'. After which you can use polish. Try and use a polishing compound or a polish made specifically for plastics. Let us know hoe you get on.

You're gonna need time and patience!
Thanks for the feedback, i'll see what i can do it. But really thinking i need a new headlight now, like i said there is a crack in the case so damp and dirt are probley getting in there anyway.

I'll try and pick some finer sandpaper up today and see what happens. And i've got auto glym super resin polish, would this be any good?. says on the back alternative uses glass reinforced plastics, glazed ceramics and so on.
1500 grit covered in plenty of T cut should work a treat before you do the final polish Buddy.
nice one ayfreetee, went out and just used T cut on the headlight and it's come up really good, im shocked cause i thought i had messed it up. I havn't been out yet to get the finer sandpaper but i don't think im going to need it. It looks almost as good as the new one apart from a few slight condensation bits inside that are hardly visible, think i had a lucky escape because i was ready to buy a new headlight off ebay. :thumbsup:
No woe's Bro, try just removing the rear cover from the headlight unit and blow a hair dryer in the back on hot, that should dry up any damp in the unit.
2000 is the best if you haven't got big stone chips, I would start with 1200 then to 2000 then polish

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