floor mat

  1. Water on drivers floor

    What it says on the tin! It's not a puddle, but it's soaking wet. I've lifted the scuttle panel and cleared the leaves that were in there, clipped the scuttle back on. and it still seems to get wet when it rains! one thing to note... The scuttle isn't completely flush with the front of the...
  2. S4 Specfic Rubber Floor Mats??

    Hi all, Does anyone know a good place to get Rubber Floor Mats for the B9 S4? Are there specific S4 Matts or will any old Mat do? I've had a look online and I see you can get B9 Rubber mats with A4 on them but just wonder if I can gets ones with S4 on them or even Blank... Any ideas or help...
  3. F

    Trying to find some floor mats for A3 2014

    I'm looking for some floor mats for a 2014 A3 5 door Sport model. Does anyone know the difference between these 2? http://www.audipartsdirect.co.uk/product/Audi_A3_Sportback%7CSaloon_High_Quality_Carpet_Mat_Set_8V2061271EMNO...
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