defective wiper warning

  1. G

    Wiper help!!! 2012 a4 s-line

    I need some help people! My 2012 a4 recently started giving me the "defective wiper" warning every time I start it up. I keep the stalk set on auto/intermittent. Most of the time the wipers work fine. Every once in a while they won't work when I start my car so I flip the wiper stalk through all...
  2. G

    Defective Wiper Warning

    Hey all, First time audi owner here! I have a 2012 a4 s line fwd. About 2 months ago my car started with the defective wiper warning. The wipers work most of the time, even with the warning light on. Every once in a while they won't work at all, which seems to only happen when I use the...
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