climate control upgrade

  1. H

    Climate Control Upgrade

    Hi guys, I drive a 2011 Audi a3 cabriolet, and as I’m sure many of you also hate the manual plasticky climate controls! I’m really keen to upgrade to the chrome s-line control unit (they’re only £30 on eBay) - I don’t however know if this is first possible? As my car isn’t an S-Line off the...
  2. AUDI A3 8P, MANUAL Control to Dual climate Control upgrade

    Hi, I know this is a BIG project. Some would say, sell the car and buy one with it. I wish I could, Its too late for that now. My situation atm is that I have the manual air con control in my car. And I am planning to upgrade to the dual climate control. I have all the parts that's is...
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