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  1. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Thanks all again for the responses. I really wish I could turn back time! I will try the number provided.
  2. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Thanks I will try audi customer services. I know they respond to people on twitter etc. very promptly so may try this angle to get a call and see if they will sympathise with me. Thanks
  3. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Hi this all changed when the dealership heard about me rejecting the car. Conveniently once they picked up on me rejecting the car was "fixed" quicker than expected with a software update. Audi Assist are calling this evening, they have always been extremely helpful to be fair. If all goes to...
  4. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Sorry for the delay writing back, i got the car back yesterday, the car now starts fine (hooray)! But it drives exactly the same, the lag is still there just as it was before despite them saying it was fixed in a software update. Also the start stop is now not working correctly, it stops at...
  5. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Unfortunately it seems like you are right, there is a complete change of stance today. The dealer has apparently "fixed" the car completely, no lag and its starting fine after the new updates sent from Germany. Conveniently they also rung back later stating they wanted to keep the car for 2...
  6. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    You're probably right .. out of the numerous cars i've had (mercs volvos ford vauxhall etc.) the bmw is the only car i've regretted selling, but maybe you're right it's just down to this one not being quite right. I do think if it would drive half as good as it looks it would be the perfect car...
  7. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Hi just a quick update- i've had some luck with audi finance, they unbelievable replied to me yesterday (which is great considering it was saturday). They believe I have good grounds for rejecting the car, not only due to its none starting fault but due to my concerns with the gearbox and lag...
  8. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Hi people - heard from the dealer ship today they managed to have a look at it last thing - not looking positive they cannot repgram the ecu, it has apparently lost all if its program. They say they need to get audi germany involved and will be sending the relevant documents across over the...
  9. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Hi guys thanks for removing the comment too, really surprised by the guys response and indication i must be driving the car wrong! The car won't be looked at until friday unfortunately, apparently they are busy doing pdi's for the end of the month.. great! I'll keep you upto date though.
  10. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    the guy has deleted the post, i will find the email notification and post what he put.
  11. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    I think this is a bit harsh overall compared to the other sound advise i've been receiving on here... especially the bit telling me to **** off where i belong. I assumed as i currently have an audi (and would like to get to grips with it) an audi forum would have been the best place to start...
  12. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    I'm going to give them the chance to look at the lag, this could be a blessing in disguise that it developed the non start today as at least now they might actually give the lag issue some time of day. I'm not so keen in moving to a 340/440 I really was sold on the hot hatch idea of the s3, i...
  13. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    I think you're right, something just didnt feel right with it from day one. Though i have never felt the engine misfire or anything which makes me wonder if it really is the coil packs, i'll know more over the next couple of days. I'm surprised you say the 335d is more precise as a lot of the...
  14. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Update - more bad news unfortunately, this time with the ****** car being faulty! came to start the car this morning and it wouldnt fire, took around 10 mins trying different things and it eventually started and ran on what seemed 2 cylinders for a couple of minutes before clearing and been fine...
  15. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    I'm trying to get to grips with it. i've got all the settings exactly as they should be for me - in manual its great i love the changes, but 90% of the time i would just like a smooth auto round town, there is definitely 100% lag in my car if i pull up to a roundabout, see a gap and accelerate...
  16. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Thanks again to all that have commented and give. tips. Great forum.
  17. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Thank you, at least im not alone with the lag - I love the look of the F type jag and by all accounts it has bmw beaten in terms of handling, driving. I may be tempted to visit a jag dealer this week. Thanks again, unfortunately i'm all but done with the s3, i just cant get to grips with it.
  18. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Thanks to everyone thats commented, i drove to bridlington and back today for the sheer hell of it and called off at a couple of dealers on the way back. To sum up audi doncaster agree there is some lag but service wasnt opened today to get their thoughts, they also commented that a3's gearboxes...
  19. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    Should I have to develop a knack though? The response is good in sports, why can't it be in the nice soft comfort setting?
  20. C

    Facelift S3 - really disappointed

    I will try this, thank you