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  1. jamesa


    yeah, ones preferably with no curbs if you ain't tried it before -- james
  2. jamesa

    New S4 Arrived

    it's halfway between the Metallic Silver and Dolphin Grey, looks absolutely brilliant! what options did you get on it? keep us updated, love to hear how it's getting on... -- james
  3. jamesa

    B6 S4 Dates

    still no luck with digital camera andrew? -- james
  4. jamesa

    A4 3.0 Quattro or Audi TTC 225

    the only thing to be aware of, is that I've heard there's going to be an S4 cab come the Detroit Motor Show. There'll probably be a big price difference, but if you're willing to pay it may be worth keeping in mind -- james
  5. jamesa

    A4 3.0 Quattro or Audi TTC 225

    there are not many cars that look as good as that new A4; quite the predicament you're in have you driven them both? that would be my first step! -- james
  6. jamesa

    B6 S4 Dates

    can you post pics when it arrives? a review wouldn't go astray, either lucky ******* -- james
  7. jamesa

    DSG auto gearbox... confirmed?

    Was just wondering whether anyone had found out whether the DSG gearbox will be coming to the Auto S4. Have seen any official Audi line on this... yet... -- james