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  1. ste8270

    What do you do for a living?

    Im a pinspotter technician. I work in a bowling alley, i sit round the back and fix everything that goes wrong, there are not that many people who even know my job exists!! i think people thinks its all magic behind those lanes!!! lol The machines themselves are not small (6ft tall) and...
  2. ste8270


    Just had a quick read of the 'manifesto', think everybody has discussed the immigration point, but was just wondering if anybody had read the rest? If im reading it right, we are going to pull our troops out of Iraq (and i assume Afganistan although its not mentioned??), bring all our troops out...
  3. ste8270

    Time Travel

    If it was possible to travel into the future that would mean that your whole life has already been planned out, otherwise how could there be a future to go too?? i would like to think that the choices i make are my own and not that im just following 1 big planned out future!! so i would say...
  4. ste8270

    What brought you to

    Yeah that about sums me up too!!! I had been a member of the ford RS owners club and i thought there must be something like that for audi's.