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  1. R14AYN

    My life at a million mph!

    Ten points that man!! I went to China 3 weeks ago, got back and thought it sucks here. Now moving to Sydney in 3 weeks...forever. A change is as good as a rest
  2. R14AYN

    Anyone from OZ??

    I've been searching to no avail for an Australian site that sells second-hand cars (autotrader style). I've tried the Australian Audi website but it’s terrible and doesn’t seem to want me to find any S4 or RS4's. Any ideas??
  3. R14AYN

    Its a boy

    Loving it!!
  4. R14AYN

    New car but damn credit crunch!!!

    DO IT! I wanted a lotus elise since they came out - the minute I hit 21 and the insurance dropped to below 3k. Bingo got me a red one. It was no 911 but at 21 what ya gonna do. Happiest 2 years of my driving life! And I would say if you’re even looking at 911's I doubt you fall into the "I...
  5. R14AYN

    Rich n single/Relationship n Happy.

    I would happily swap everything for love & happiness. Money can’t buy it and "stuff” doesn’t make you properly happy. 26 and wise beyond my years – Although I’d happily swap a bad relationship for a whole chicken and a 2 day old Daily Star !
  6. R14AYN

    Nasty Injuries!!

    The only thing worth mentioning was a game of two man hunt when I was about 13 - fell out of a tree onto my feet, landed perfectly while bending my knees to soften the blow and sandwiched my left foot between the asphalt and my butt - twisted knee and snapped every bone in my foot running left...
  7. R14AYN

    Next car...

    I can totally vouch for an Elise. I had one when I was 21 (Full no claims insurance fully comp 1500) and it was brilliant, ran it for two years and didn't have one problem. Servicing can be steap and I would steer clear of anything that has been near a track but for smile driving it...
  8. R14AYN

    Silverstone - Hotels??,0&c=0 I've never stayed down that way myself but I've heard that Whittlebury Hall Hotel and Spa is very nice - not sure how close it is to the track though
  9. R14AYN

    Extravagant purchase

    I totally second this sort of (you feel better than you look IMO)- I look homeless most of the time but I don't care because I've got 10k worth of swiss engineering on my arm - and only 1% of the population would even notice. GF hates this as she would rather I took my trainers off to go out...
  10. R14AYN

    Shock! A very very helpfull Garage

    I was the same, I live about 15 minutes from them and have been taking cars to Glasgow Audi for 4 years - Found them in the Yellow Pages of all places!!
  11. R14AYN

    Shock! A very very helpfull Garage

    Not sure if this is the right place to put this but…. I went into the above place today to chat about a few modifications to my new A4. I have never come across a more knowledgeable or helpful garage. If you in the Glasgow area I would definitely recommend a visit. The...
  12. R14AYN

    What was your first ever car...?

    Gun Metal Grey Mini Neon, H reg 998cc !!! Ended up 7 inches wider by time I sold it, I loved that wee car
  13. R14AYN

    Just wondered

    Yes however it would depend on the circumstance and dep on how high up I could join - I would need to be in command of some sort - not got the disposition for being told what to do If I don’t agree
  14. R14AYN

    Worst single car modification/addition

    I've seen a few M badges on a beemer which isn't actully a beemer let alone a M
  15. R14AYN

    Word Association Game .. . . .

    (the) wife
  16. R14AYN

    Word Association Game .. . . .

  17. R14AYN

    MOVED: New A4 2.0TDI Chipped to 170 BHP

    dyno-ML-126962-ML- moved to A4 B7 Forum