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  1. I

    Proud ????

    auroan, fair point mate. If you want to talk only about crime and respect, then once again you must see that we cannot generalise, which is exactly what Michael Richards did in his 'apology' to his already disgusting outburst. I suppose the point i was trying to made is that many people DO...
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    Proud ????

    Yes because they are all evil? Sigh......
  3. I

    Proud ????

    Just telling you how it is mate! Its not easy being a young asian and a muslim, trust me! I blame the media for most of it. I agree with FactionOne, if everbody judged people individually rather than collectively, life would be soo much better :yes:
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    Proud ????

    I've got a few things to say, firstly this is what Michael Richards actually said: And for his 'apology' to then contain this line "You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us" Is quite amazing. Also, it always make me laugh to hear white people in...
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    Which Bench Shall I Buy For Pushing Weights?

    Out of the 4, i would go for the last one. Bt tbh, join a gym! Its better training with other people than on your own i reckon :icon_thumright:
  6. I

    Insurance 2 years 1 month allow NCB that is 3 years old, or less :icon_thumright:
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    who might know

    I've heard lots of bad thing about Keighley Trade Sport and Performance on I would be vary about buying anything off them, let alone a CAT C Skyline. CAT C damage is usually quite heavy. On a car like a R34 it must have been bad. The Skyline has a balanced bodyshell and...
  8. I

    Anyone seen this??

    He has put in the auction description it is a CAT d write-off. My guess is he bought it from a salvage yard and then had an S3 stolen to order and swapped all the parts off that onto it. And as for the baseball bat to open the bonnet :wtf: