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  1. B

    Topgear Reminder

    In Top Gear's most ambitious challenge yet, Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond attempt to race from Northern Canada to the North Pole: a 450 mile journey. The terrain in between is some of the toughest on earth, composed of mountains and jagged sea ice. Temperatures can drop to -65...
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    I'm going to be a dad!

    Awww, congratulations to you both :icon_thumright:
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    Seconded @ Lottie. My health plan makes me go to the gym at least twice a week and I'll be swimming once a week, plus, i write everything down i eat etc. I'll never be a supermodel, but healthy and happy is on the agenda :icon_thumright: My only other resolution is to get the car sorted.
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    My new pup

    he'll fill out no doubt lol, but his feet are huge in comparrison he's cute! :icon_thumright:
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    Ho Ho Ho - tis the season to get burgled

    Thats horrible, sorry to hear about your misfortune. I'm house sitting for a mate, i infact house sit alot, but thats one of my fears, going back there to find out my luck they've been done over. Unlikely but possible
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    Is this the most expensive petrol station in the UK?

    :ohmy: :tapedshut: :ohmy: bet people are paying it though!!
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    I may have been a little hot headed...

    The ones down here are all retailed as Carphone Warehouse now, out of interest how is that related to O2? I too used to work for The Link, in possibly THE most quietest store on an industrial estate that was open till 7pm! I'm surprised we ever took enough to cover the rent, infact a couple...
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    Dave ??!

    too true, i know too many dave's lol did amuse me they named a channel after it though
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    Heights of audi sport

    5ft5" but im female
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    Fifth Gear - a steaming ****, I think so

    i'd quite happily swap hammond to the position of nakedness :wub: lol
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    Telephone provider advice.

    i work for a telecoms company. im really surprised they told you they will do that without consulting you, and no, 152 'probably' wont be free (bit like ringing 192 for DQ, that IIRC werent free either) lol @ the 15p reduction glad you got through to them though!
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    Dumb person of the day.

    lol, i did wonder this myself, but i suppose he wanted to make his kid look like she was really clever. ah, didnt know if it was new menu's etc, and seeing as he was wrong it wouldn't matter if you keep them as they are! oh, and you've a point about the world being a dangerous place.
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    Dumb person of the day.

    you are correct.... although i find it unusual that most people do use the 24hr clock and you havent, for the format you've used, there is nothing wrong. i'd personally put 00.30hrs, but its the same as 12.30am!!! you should have used the internet to proove him wrong.... the customers...
  14. B

    *flameproof jacket on* swapped my Audi for a...

    LOL @ Lottie. Personally I hate the look of 'smart' whether is the smart car, 4four, roadster, though never driven one so cant comment on performance. If thats whats keeping you happy then good luck to you, though i know i'd never swap my A3 for one.
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    Word Association Game .. . . .

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    Sexy Drivers!!

    Thought i'd seen it before..... CGTI ;) :)
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    Weekend Plans

    Well, im not on call for work this week, but I also have no money. So not alot.... roll on next weekend!
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    New TT Pics

    Im not sure if I like it either..... but then if im honest I weren't a massive fan of the existing one. Might change my mind when I start to see it for real though
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    The Germans know how to store cars

    LOL, That sure is something! Sod having to be right at the top.... one false move :scared2:
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    Which is better

    I pick word association as I too don't know what will the plane take off is :confused: