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  1. dansansome

    Another Audi tries to cut me up, but I win this time!!

    i managed to spectacularly cut someone up on the way in to work today. i dont make a habit of this and actually felt pretty bad for a while after. sorry to whoever it was :sorry:
  2. dansansome

    Another Audi tries to cut me up, but I win this time!!

    NN do you find that you get less respect on the road when you are in your roadster, compared to when you were in your A4?
  3. dansansome

    Bl**dy N95

    have you thought about putting generic FW on the phone instead? im running generic V21 FW on my voda branded N95.
  4. dansansome

    Bl**dy N95

    write a letter, you might find more minutes for £30 :)
  5. dansansome

    sorry but....

    anyone else think that luke is Frank sidebottom without the large paper head?
  6. dansansome

    sorry but.... is rex...
  7. dansansome

    Overtaking - Mirror signal Maneuver ?

    i think it is becoming in-keeping with the general lack of respect for others and the "****-you" attitude that seems to be sweeping this nation.
  8. dansansome

    Is gordon brown having a laugh ?

    positions of power attract the corrupt. the country will be screwed by whoever gets their hands on it. all that will differ is how much. just my 2c
  9. dansansome

    Tax on tax

    ...and the more services they introduce to work out how and where to spend and collect our taxes, the more tax we need to pay to keep them up and running. i think that must be some sort of plan: make everyone directly employed by the government, that way, if people vote against labour, they...