Congestion charge banding


Sep 4, 2006
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I wonder if anyone has a view on this new Ken L's latest initiative.

As I understand it, my 3.0 TDI Avant A6 emits 226g/km of global warmingness and the threshold is 225!

I guess the line has to be drawn somewhere, can anyone confirm this?
My wife drives into town everyday in her 2.0 TDI Avant. It looks like she slips under the radar.
I don't live in London anymore... thankfully... but really Ken is just taking liberties... the price is going up and up and the goalposts are being continually moved. If your over 225, which you are, you looking at £25!

At the other end, I think under 120, you in for free... though percentage-wise I think that was only about 3% of the entries... blah.

suck up the tfl propaganda here.
Thanks for the link.
I have just heard that the reason they've set the threshold at 225 is that there is a massive list of cars that are producing 226 grams which garantees a big chunk of change for the newt lover's coffers.
It makes me laugh when they call this country a democracy, in truth it is run my a group of sociopathic dictators, other than that I enjoy living here!
You might be ok as unless your car is specifically band G (is it?). You may get away with it as the £8 charge relates to vehicles up till and including 3 litres if you are not banded.

If you are not band G you should be fine, now if your car was 3001cc that might be a problem!

I am an Engineer with my own company, this charge will hammer me as I need a bigger vehicle as I visit sites in all sorts of terrain. I understand the prinicipals of the C charge and the LEZ and what they are trying to achieve but they are end of pipe solutions and do not address the real issues. Once again its a punitive money making 'solution' which seems to be the only way this country tax tax, punish and tax again for good measure.

Right rant over:motz:

Good luck and hope your ride sneaks through!...Ok just checked further with a mate who works at TfL (on the road construction side!) and it would appear that your Audi will be punished:sadlike: . This city annoys me massively some times.
Kiwi Kranker, as I was reading your message my heart began to lift and I even managed to kind of smile a little, then I got to the end of your message and I was sure that you would be confirming the good news when the cruel truth from your tfl mate hit me like a wet fish. I fell 3000 feet into a state of depression a bottle of Prozac and a night with Penelope Kruz wouldn't cure.

That newt loving git, I hope and pray he is not mayor during the Olympics.