Aberdeen meet

if im home gary then thats no bother you can jump in with me i'll know more about my new shift etc when i go back to sea on wednesday, do we have a confirmed date yet?
Ok lets talk locations has to be somewhere we can all get a drink and a ******** and also good for photos.

2 i like on the bike are

The wooden restaurant/shop enroute to the lecht before **** bridge
Spittle of Glen Shee awesome road (flat out on the bike woohoo) great places for pics and good food
Never been to the Spittle of Glen Shee before, but the roads leading up to the lecht I have done a few times and rather like. It's six half a dozen with me, I'm easy! I know there is a layby just down from the lecht that might be good for photos tho?

Any run in the new car will put a smile on my face I think!
never been to either though i think ill be seeing envy green the whole way :p sounds good looks like ill make it

1. A3simon
2. Japper
3. Dan!
4. Phil
5. RicoS3
6. Rough
7. c41lum
The lecht is a great place to head to when the sun is out. Head through Alford and Strathdon one of my favourite local roads on the bike but never done it in the car
its about 70 miles from aberdeen

The Spittle of glenshee is brilliant and is my favourite local road on the bike again never done it in the car. Basically head out through banchory then Aboyne then ballater and onto braemar then onto the spittle road basically its the road from braemar to pitlochry and it is a winding road with big sweeping corners that cuts in between the hills fantastic road and some brilliant spots for pics.
its about 100 miles from aberdeen
how about here, its on one of the back roads between forfar and arbroath, 2 mins from kookaburras

The lecht is a great place to head to when the sun is out. Head through Alford and Strathdon one of my favourite local roads on the bike but never done it in the car
its about 70 miles from aberdeen

The Spittle of glenshee is brilliant and is my favourite local road on the bike again never done it in the car. Basically head out through banchory then Aboyne then ballater and onto braemar then onto the spittle road basically its the road from braemar to pitlochry and it is a winding road with big sweeping corners that cuts in between the hills fantastic road and some brilliant spots for pics.
its about 100 miles from aberdeen

100 miles?! Return you mean? Either that or I used to driver further on my bike than I thought! I really like this idea as I know a lot of these roads and they are sh*t hot - especially when the sun is out like you say. Which it will be...obviously.
Sounds cool gents. Royal Deeside, cracking part of the country and top drive on a nice day.

I'm out in Banchory so meet yoos en route!

I've got a decent SLR but no tripod, anyone else got one? A wide angle and/or fish eye lens would be top too!
ive only got the 8.2mpm fujifilm camera so anyone got any mates that are photography enthusiasts
glenshee is closer to me than aberdeen but i may as well come along for the long haul and the scenery
well we are meeting in banchory on sunday the 4th what time suits everyone

ill bring my DSLR and tripod with me
I don't know, about 11-12?

And I've just thought that I don't know where 'the park' is in Banchory since I was thinking of the park in Aboyne for some reason... :whistle2:

Bringing a camera sounds like a good idea, think I might have to dig mine out and dust it off. Might have to bring the blonde as well, just for the photos! ;)
really the big park in the centre of banchory? No?

maybe rico can describe exactly but its basically the centre of banchory has a little amusement park beside it. I would meet in town but as im coming from ellon ill come the back roads :racer:
lol, I really don't drive into the middle of Banchory that often!

I'm sure that I'll be able to find it... maybe. If you just drive thru the town on High St will you be able to find/see it from the road you think? If so then I'll be fine, otherwise I might have to go have a scout about at some point beforehand! Good excuse for a drive tho. :D
yeah as you drive in from aberdeen when you get to the shops and so on its on the left. You turn at the lights and its there
Tickety boo. As said, drive into Banchory passing Morrisons on the left. Keep going through a set of traffc lights, then properties on your right before you see the park way down on your left. As you hit the centre of town you'll get to a set of traffic lights. Turn left down the hill at the lights then left again into the car park. To get out it's basically a U, but as you enter, drive up towards the back where the Codona's fair is. Let's meet there. I'll send a link to google maps when not on phone, but it's not that missable.

Saturday's can be fairly busy but whoever there first, secure! I'm 10 mins away, so will get there earlier for the spot.

I'll be SLR'd as well. Si, you got a selection of lenses? Fish eye FTW!

Even if we hang about for 10 / 20 mins for all to show, we'll noise up the Saxo neds!

Maybe a group PM with some mobile numbers closer to the time? Just for those not too sure. Should be quality boys.
Garlogie, back of Echt to Raemoir road Si? Great couple straights and some twisty stuff, very nice.

Watch just after Acergy, next roundabout heading for Garlogie, uber craters, always cars in the layby changing wheels.

Sat 4th April, 11 AM, Banchory park, done!
mind 4th is the sunday

my flight gets in on saturday about 11 so it has to be sunday
All sounds great to me! Roll on the 4th April... Well, getting the car first would be nice, so roll on the 22nd March (ish).

Saxo boys huh? That mean we have to show them what real cars look like? :) Yeah, PM with mobile numbers and I'll ask the g/f (who lives in Banchory) to maybe come along like I said (that way I don't look like too much more of a tw@t than usual when I can't find the park! lol).

Not too many straights tho or I won't be able to keep up with all you maniacs in your S3's! Twisties sound the mutt's and I'll have to try to break it in a bit before the day.
A wide angle caper would be good. Never used a fish eye, but fancied a few shots of the rims. I've a Canon 450D myself. Will see if I can get a couple of extra lenses for a try.
Aha! I was in Banchory yesterday and was at a cafe across the road from the car park with the Chinese... I'm going to assume this is the park chosen since the girlfriend says thats where the Saxos hang out? :)
i will send out a mass PM to everyone soon with all the details and a guestimated time table
just trying to work it out so if people have to be in by X o'clock for sunday roast then they can

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