S3 MTM detail with full write up


Registered User
Apr 22, 2008
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Well as some of you may know, I was interested in getting my S3 detailed. After seeing Mr Gs thread of his S3 detail I could not longer resist but get it done myself. I contacted Mr G and booked him for a weekend. On the day I had to leave in the early hours of the morning. The aim was to get the work done within 2 days. This was going to be hard work, but we were prepared!

Upon arriving I saw Mr Gs work on his car and was truly amazed, his S3 just looked so good, could we get the same results on mine? At this point of time I have to highlight pictures don't do the car any justice.

We had a set procedure that we would follow, once we had got the products ready, snow foam and also maxi suds 2 shampoo.

Few shots of the car before we started.



We firstly rinsed the car.


We didn't concentrate on the wheels too much but still cleaned them with a bit of Bilberry and used the EZ detail brush to clean the insides of them. Find the Bilberry works a treat and also its acid free!

You can see some of the dirt.


Once the bilberry was rinsed off


The car was then snow foamed and this was left to work its magic for 5-8 minutes


This picture shows the dirt that the snow foam had picked up off the car


Once the snow foam was rinsed off again we cleaned the car using a mitt and maxi suds 2 shampoo applying the double bucket method.

The next step was to clay bar the car to get rid of any existing wax/protection on the paint of the car and get it ready for the correction stage. We had to make sure there was plenty of lube applied in order not to further damage the paintwork.


Car was now ready to be put in the garage and for the real work to commence. Mr G was seeming invincible to the cold but the same could not be said about me! We soldiered on however lol

Car backed into garage

We had the halogen work lights to help us with correction and they also picked up the defects better

Seems like some bird s**t has been taken off here causing some damage

We used a section of the bonnet to determine what products would be used on the car.

1st pass SFX 2 Menzerna Power Gloss

2nd pass

1st pass SFX 3 Menzerno Final Finish

2nd pass

We quickly established in order to get the finish we were after these two products would be able to achieve it. We had no use for Menzerna intensive polish.

Few shots of bonnet once Power gloss and Final finish were applied.


We decided we would power gloss the car and then final finish it however the work would have to be over two days as light was bad and also it was FREEZING cold. Plenty of cups of tea to help us soldier through the day.

Some more shots of the correction work carried out



Mr G was obsessed with 'Flake Pop' lol, I thought he was talking about science apparently not he says!



By now the car was really coming together and I was just amazed how shocking it was starting to look!


In this shot you can see the difference in the corrected panel and the bumper!


I really fancied getting to grips with the machine and decided to have a go myself with the 'Guru' by my side guiding me.


A few more mouth watering shots



Mr G was obsessed with the mirrors


Boot lid


Car was now lime primed all over to get rid of any polish residuals and to prepare the paint for the wax.


We used Collinite 915 to protect the paintwork and also to further enhance the finish and protect the paintwork. I had discussed with Mr G whether or not to opt for a more expensive wax such as the Black Diamond Carnabau but he was so sure the Collinite would be more then up to the task.

Shots of the Wax applied


Once the wax was applied we had to leave it to cure for a further 20 minutes, any excuse to have a cup of tea and bit of toast!

Wax was removed using Meguiars microfibre towel. It was now time to apply the Zaino Z8 final finish spray! Just a quick spray and wipe required for this.

Few finals, didn't get time to take some proper final shots, needed to get back on my way but will be updating once weather clears up!

Here are a few though


Well have to say a BIG thanks to Mr G he put a lot of work into the car and the results were amazing. Was an awesome weekend and the chavs in the Mcd's car park were just legendary. Big thanks Mr G!
Thread limited me to 30 images! i had 60 :( took 170 all together lol

well you get the idea


Good work on the detail!

The out of place S3 badge and the exhaust takes away from the car imho.
Faz, the car looks stunning mate, get some more finished close up pics up please...

Looks mint mate, will also be alot easier to keep clean and on top of. Where is he based??

Wales!! Bridgend

Faz, the car looks stunning mate, get some more finished close up pics up please...


Will do fella once the weather improves!needs another clean lol its addictive

car looks spot on there mate.

Good work on the detail!

The out of place S3 badge and the exhaust takes away from the car imho.

Exhaust has always been like that since the day it was fitted for some reason. The S3 bade is slightly out of place but not really a big deal.

Thanks for your opinion though fella

Now looks like it should be ;)

nice one mate
Bro the car is looking better than how I imagined it would when leaving the showroom! I bet you drove mega slow on the motorway home and avoided sprays from cars infront at all costs!

Cant wait for the weather to blow over.. want to see the car so badly!
Best thing is though the car is protect at the moment with the wax against this weather.

Mr G a very nice job you done there... Don't think Faz will want to get out the car once the snow goes. Looks amazing.. pearl effect on the paint has been bought back to life.

Make sure you come show me asap Faz.
Bro the car is looking better than how I imagined it would when leaving the showroom! I bet you drove mega slow on the motorway home and avoided sprays from cars infront at all costs!

Yeah man was keeping my distance lol was a mad one come onto the m1 and it was snowing when i left it was blue skys with a bith of sun!


Cant wait for the weather to blow over.. want to see the car so badly!
Best thing is though the car is protect at the moment with the wax against this weather.

Mr G a very nice job you done there... Don't think Faz will want to get out the car once the snow goes. Looks amazing.. pearl effect on the paint has been bought back to life.

Make sure you come show me asap Faz.

Yes fella will do cant wait for weather to pick up, but doesnt look like it will anytime soon!
that the nuts, think he ll do mine, only live in cheshire, did your front bumper and bonnet have stone chips cause it a dark colour and if so how did they look after the detail cause mines covered in them
Get some finished images up asap Faz, i'm dying to see the finished result with a second coat of 915.

that the nuts, think he ll do mine, only live in cheshire, did your front bumper and bonnet have stone chips cause it a dark colour and if so how did they look after the detail cause mines covered in them

I will detail other peoples cars not a problem and can guarentee results! I think my work speaks for itself, not to sound like my heads up my **** but i'm a perfectionist with an eye for detail, been like it since i was a kid, obsessed with cleaning.

However i do charge for my time & products that i use. I spent over 20 hours on Faz's car, over 2 days. We would have had the wheels off and clayed/cleaned & sealed them as well if it wasn't for the weather. I must admit that i wasn't happy with leaving the car go as to me it isn't finished. Glass, inside and wheels also needed to be done, not forgetting the exhaust. But paint is what we concentrated on and that is what i was able to get finished. Just about Perfect (almost).

A detail brings out all the flaws in a car moreso than before as the car is that much more "clean/shiney". Every scratch/dent etc will be more prominent but most scratches can be taken out unless they are too deep.

I would rather not detail someones car if i can't spend enough time on it to get perfect results, or results as good as the cars condition permits.

Mr G is getting a bit of a reputation now. Looks great. This is something i will be doing in the spring time.

Hahah.....reputation....i'm an amature detailer, nothing more. My eye for detail makes me do things very thoroughly. Will look forward to seeing your results in the spring time. Make sure you get some nice shots of the freshly polished paint. :)

Thanks for the comments lads. Appreciate them.

PM me if you'd like to know more about pricing.

yeah was a really good finish. Bumper and bonnet did have stone chips but it came out good once wax and zaino was applied!

Will be getting some final shots up but the weather is just terrible at the moment!Been off all week because of it!