MTM remaps!

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Maybe QST are stuck up ***** and maybe so are some of their customers! Christ, if you ever went to the OLD AMD premises at Bicester, you would see these audi fools lapping up the big falsh premises and massage chairs in the reception, thinking their cars were being equally well cossetted behind the workshop doors........not always the case, certainly in their latter times!
Plenty of stuck up audi drivers usually in overpriced S lines etc etc!
QST just suck up to them, some owners like that, it makes them feel important.

Some, like many on hear, maybe more enthusiasts who dont fall for the flannel, rhetoric and free biscuits in the waiting room.
Each to their own! People who think QST are up their own ***** may be right, but they may think that about 90% of QST's customers too!

Everyone has a right to their opinion, if you speak with a tuner and they are full of it (in your opinion) go elsewhere until you find one you like. Truth is, the good ones are all about as good as each other, but personally, if I dont like the people at a place, I wont give them my hard earned!
Maybe QST are stuck up ***** and maybe so are some of their customers! Christ, if you ever went to the OLD AMD premises at Bicester, you would see these audi fools lapping up the big falsh premises and massage chairs in the reception, thinking their cars were being equally well cossetted behind the workshop doors........not always the case, certainly in their latter times!
Plenty of stuck up audi drivers usually in overpriced S lines etc etc!
QST just suck up to them, some owners like that, it makes them feel important.

Some, like many on hear, maybe more enthusiasts who dont fall for the flannel, rhetoric and free biscuits in the waiting room.
Each to their own! People who think QST are up their own ***** may be right, but they may think that about 90% of QST's customers too!

Everyone has a right to their opinion, if you speak with a tuner and they are full of it (in your opinion) go elsewhere until you find one you like. Truth is, the good ones are all about as good as each other, but personally, if I dont like the people at a place, I wont give them my hard earned!

:applaus:Good post, but you're right about AMD, it was eventually there demise caused by the fact they spent so much money on toys & flashy **** they went bust, where Simon came in & bought it up without all the flashy unnneccessary ****, just the good tools & neccessary things to run the business still to a high level IMHO, I know leggy didnt do so well there which is a ****** shame & shock to me TBH, just goes to show I had bad experience with QST, another was AMD, then Jabba, all have stories but maybe you can tell us were Jabba & AMD so arrogant cause I've spoken with both at some length & not once would I ever think they would come close to my experience with QST.

Glad mines a sport(before mods) & not an SLine, lol
I will respond to this cause I feel you are incorrect about what you've stated, I would like to call an end to this but you persist in being sarcastic & making jibes at me as a person, which you need to give it a rest.

Since there is a sticky at the top of the A3 forum relating to use of English, one would expect another to use english where all of the letters on your keyboard are available.
Its the lowest form so stop being stupidly sarcastic about ridiculously small things, you call me childish, then what do you call this again & again about the same subject, everyone uses acronyms/abbreviations online & you know it so just let it lie cause no one really cares if I type "lots of laughs" or "LOL", you can read it as if you couldnt you wouldnt be able to respond would you, common sense prevails I think, we dont need constant reminders from anyone on the forum about using english thanks, this by definition is creating animosity & problems for no reason atall, next you'll be saying dont use the smileys etc as it doesnt constitute english, I mean for gods sake we're not here to care about that, we're here to talk about cars no? which also involves the companies & people that work on them.
Now everything has blown out of proportion because I'm said to be accusing people of saying stuff they haven't. Jason, I only said calling people stuck up ***** because of the way they run their business isn't on IMHO. They seem to be doing well enough, so leave them to it.
Its only got to this point cause you starting agressively attacking other users, the posts are there if you wanna re-read them, no one had a pop at you personally so why bother being this way.

You seemed to be making inflammatory posts before I asked the question I did, so it's not my introduction on the thread that has caused it.
Not true IMHO, it was just my personal expereince & the others of a said tuning company, what I said I stand by & it was 100% true about the said person, I was there for gods sake I know how he acted.

Jojo has been around a while and I'm sure is up to speed with tuning, so i don't think you need to educate him about the driveability of the car post remap.
We are adults, you know the comment I made in responce to his & the others not just his was a jokingly made comment, not serious, JoJo would have totally responded putting me in my place if he took offense & its not really for you to start dictating to others unless it was actually directed towards yourself now is it.

I am not trying to create animosity, so stop trying to make me look the bad guy because of the question I raised. You could have stopped all of this happening by just replying "No I don't have experience, care to enlighten me?" But instead, you said "Well from sounds of your comment you do remaps & produce the coding yourself no??" similar to "and you DO, do you?!?" :uhm:
You maybe think you're not but you have & maybe you need to re-read the whole thread again, think you would agree some of your posts comments were not neccessary atall, but as you've correctly stated I was actually asking you if you were a tuner & did coding, it wasnt a ****** reply sarcastic at all, I was generally on the fly genuinely asking if you were so I could get your input, to which I got a ****** responce.

Rude, agressive, personally attacking people!! :lmfao: :confused::confused: Would you please show me, because apart from the comment I made which I have apologised for below, I honestly don't think I have been.

Here you go:
You sound like you have some emotional issues, Nigel. You have said "end of discussion" at least twice now, which is behaviour expected from 4 year olds :sob: when they don't want people to play with their toys any longer.
Oh, and please would you improve your diction and learn to use English
P.S. Can we have this 5 month old member as a moderator please, think the forum's on the way up
But then again you were right. I bow to you far superior knowledge. :rolleyes:
Good day Mentula
Mentula meaning Penis

Think you havnt been at all no? Thats a few only towards me, havnt checked anyone else's, think before you act please fella.

I am helpful where I can be and ask questions where I am less knowledgable. I dont pretend to know everything.

Neither have I whatsoever in this thread or anyothers, I always state I welcome anything to prove me wrong or tell me any different, that alone shows my willingness to listen & learn, but also admit when I dont know as much about something which I beleive I have in this thread, I also rang a tuning company Jabba before I commented again if you remember before I blow my own trumpet about **** I didnt actually know, you then accused me of lying about what they said, for what possible reason would I lie for, thankyou I'm a very honest person.

You might or might not know Kim at QST, and if you don't, to judge him personally is wrong IMHO, that's all. I had an initial bad experience with Jabba, but I didn't go round calling them arrogant *****, though some have.
My experience of dealing with them, they were arrogant ***** & I stick by that I'm afraid, the fact there were 3 of us on the same thread said alot about them TBH, you cant knock that atall & us 3 dont seem to be unreasonable people IMHO.

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I freely express mine, but namecalling is not necessary. Therefore, I apologise for the comment I made. :thumbsup:
Apology is much appreciated & accepted thankyou & if you did know me at all & I had actually acted like a Penis as you say, then you would know I am the 1st to admit this & apologise, but I wasnt acting like one so I feel you were wrong.

ETA - I did not attribute any comments to specific people, but referred more to the genreal tone of the thread where it seemed that cusing those names is deemed acceptable, which I dont think it is. We're all adults, surely we can put it across better than this
Yes I'm sure we all can, so I welcome your responce to this longgggg reply, but try to cut down on being so sarcastic towards someone that hasnt actually had a bad word to say about you personally.
Seems my post about the MTM remaps has hit a nerve with some people, only wanted to see what there maps were like ;-) Anyway i would like to just defend Kim a bit. There has been a lot in this thread slagging him off but my experiences have been very good. Im a laid back sort of person and dont let things upset me, and i dont need the how are u sir etc that some people expect when paying for something. However what i do expect is my car to be treated and fixed and back to 100% health and Kim has always achieved this. Thats not to say im right and your wrong, you probably are right that when u take your car some where then u should not be confronted with and arrogrant attitude but i really do not care as long as the car is sorted (never experienced this attitude myself) He must be doing something right because he is one of the best tuners in the country IMHO
Seems my post about the MTM remaps has hit a nerve with some people, only wanted to see what there maps were like ;-) Anyway i would like to just defend Kim a bit. There has been a lot in this thread slagging him off but my experiences have been very good. Im a laid back sort of person and dont let things upset me, and i dont need the how are u sir etc that some people expect when paying for something. However what i do expect is my car to be treated and fixed and back to 100% health and Kim has always achieved this. Thats not to say im right and your wrong, you probably are right that when u take your car some where then u should not be confronted with and arrogrant attitude but i really do not care as long as the car is sorted (never experienced this attitude myself) He must be doing something right because he is one of the best tuners in the country IMHO

Problem is fella he didnt sort my car at all, completely ignored what I asked them to do, completely, had it for several days with no forward progress so I was slightly ****** about it especially when presented with a £400 bill.

I dont expect arrogance from any company I buy from no matter what they know or are best in house as they say & I also dont expect a car with a garage for days then find a nice bill with nothng resolved, think you'd feel the same as I do, certainly wont be going back there.

& no mate its not your post has hit a nerve, so dont worry it was a perfectly good thread, its just someone jumps on the post & starts making things personal which is not needed IMHO fella, I just was commenting on my own personal experience.

I also, like you, dont need all the yes sir hello sir crap either, so I whole heartedly agree with this approach as I like things to be direct & straight, but not arrogant, but I was taken back by not just Kim's approach to it but his colleagues as though they are the best & my personal feelings on the car I drive everyday didnt count, its one thing to be one of the best but if you have a ****** attitude towards your clients it doesnt go down to well again IMHO, I mean knowledge is what makes people believe in your ability & actually showing you that knowledge by means of work on your car, not boasting about what you know & making out others to be ****, which is what the other member was saying & then not actually doing anything positive to my car.

I dont for one minute doubt Kim's ability & I would maybe agree he is well respected as a good tuner but maybe with a little less arrogance would go a long way I think & actually fixing my car on that occassion & he might have had a new client that with the right attitude would have used them all the time, but alas.

However it did inspire me to learn more about my car, so I thank him for that so I dont need to use his services again, I was fed up using ****** garages that just dont do the job, had one in surrey that did same kinda thing well respected but they do take the **** alot I feel, glad I can service my car myself & do mods myself, these forums are great for learning things everyday.

MTM do seem to have a good map though with **** loads of power, pity it does the clutch on alot of them though which is why it tends to get expensive or maybe I am wrong, as I said I welcome any info to further expand on any knowledge I have already please.
Nigel, other than that particular comment, for which I apologised (I don't know what got in to me), there have been no other personal remarks or attacks. I'm not in the habit of shooting off ill informed opinions either.

Several forum members have been reminded of proper use of english, and while i appreciate shortening of some terms, txt speak is not needed as it costs no more to write it as it should be.

The inflammatory post I refer to is that which I took issue with, "stuck up *****". If you can't see that by now, then there's nothing more I can say in explanation.

To be honest, there's too much back and forth to be doing with your reply, so I'll end it here. If you wanna carry on via PM, I'm happy to do that. Even if I were to reply to everything which you have said, in which I feel you have mis represented me somewhat I don't think it would end there.

No one had a pop at me, and I at no one else. I first made the point about remaps not being straightforward, and it all took off from there. :shrug:

I have explained my reasons for posting in the first place, and apologised for the remark I made. I don't know what else you would like me to say??
Jojo has been around a while and I'm sure is up to speed with tuning, so i don't think you need to educate him about the driveability of the car post remap.

:wtf: How come I'm dragged into this? :think: I've not even made a silly post in this thread yet! :sign_unfair:

It's ok though, I still have my S3! :blackrs4::kissmyrings:
I have clearly pointed out exactly where you went wrong & I think others would agree.

I'm not going to sit by & let someone who doesnt even know me make what I consider rude comments about myself & accusations, let alone trying to make me look stupid to other members I have happily been chatting with about our experiences.

How I decide to write a post is of no concern of yours full stop, the english is very good & no one else has ever complained in my so far 300+ posts & I doubt they ever will, it was a childish attitude to have for something that really wasnt worth it, if my english was that bad then I suspect Blondie & Olly would have pulled me up, as you can clearly see my english is perfect thankyou.

No other personal remarks???
Ok for the last time here are some of your remarks to me let alone anyone else:
You sound like you have some emotional issues, Nigel. You have said "end of discussion" at least twice now, which is behaviour expected from 4 year olds :sob: when they don't want people to play with their toys any longer.
Oh, and please would you improve your diction and learn to use English
P.S. Can we have this 5 month old member as a moderator please, think the forum's on the way up
But then again you were right. I bow to you far superior knowledge. :rolleyes:
Good day Mentula
You really cant be that oblivious to your own already clearly pointed out QUOTES, you made those what I consider rude attacks towards myself, now deny it, its in front of you which unless I'm wrong thats 4 I counted alone, not 1.

You then, if that wasnt enough had the audacity to go to another thread & try to start making me look a fool on that one aswell which nobody took any notice of anyway, I mean what exactly is wrong with you on this, no one has said a bad word against you including me, now give it a rest cause TBH mate I'm actually being overly polite to you as I think most would have told you to Feck off ages ago, I bite my tongue cause its a forum & I dont see the point in it.

The thread has been requested to be closed, there is nothing else to say about it simple as that, you decided to conduct yourself in what I consider a totally inappropraite manner when no one had actually made any bad comments towards yourself, it cant be much clearer than that.

The thread should be finished & closed & the matter forgotten, so just leave it at that.
:wtf: How come I'm dragged into this? :think: I've not even made a silly post in this thread yet!

It's ok though, I still have my S3! :blackrs4::kissmyrings:

JoJo, dont worry mate I didnt drag you into this, just ignore it fella the thread has been requested to Mod to close.

Sorry you got involved, it wasnt at my request, I only made an innocent joke reply as we all do to another thread we were both posting on, when I said about the AA lorry etc, so dont worry about it, it was harmless anyway cause you would have replied about it if it was in anyway wrong.

Are you familiar with the phrase "It takes two to tango?"

If you didn't like what I had to say, you didn't have to acknowledge it. I'm not carrying on with this anymore, you can't be reasoned with. I'll be the bigger man and stop now. If you wanna carry on with yourself, feel free, I'm sure you'd be able to.

Good luck in life.
Nigel, you've ranted an awful lot on this subject (most of which is pretty irrelevant TBH and I can't be ***** reading half of it), and you seem to be taking it very personally. Take a deep breath and chill!

Also, you might do better with a little more understanding of some basic concepts. It isn't specifically a remap that will ruin your clutch. No point in blaming MTM/QST for that. I ran my BT for nearly a year on the standard clutch with no issues, and a year before that with a custom map from Star Perfomance. It come down to how you treat the car, mechanical sympathy, mileage, general wear and tear, how the clutch was originally broken in, etc.

In life you get what you give. It sounds to me like you went in there with a bunch of attitude and got a little back.

I've had a few dealings with Kim at QST, and to be honest I've always found him to be a decent bloke that likes tuning cars. Don't forget he's only a reseller of someone elses software, so his prices are generally set by ze germans.
JoJo, dont worry mate I didnt drag you into this, just ignore it fella the thread has been requested to Mod to close.

Sorry you got involved, it wasnt at my request, I only made an innocent joke reply as we all do to another thread we were both posting on, when I said about the AA lorry etc, so dont worry about it, it was harmless anyway cause you would have replied about it if it was in anyway wrong.


I'm not worried at all, I actually have a sense of humour and my post was just a bit of a joke with no offence taken at all. :icon_thumright:

I have no issues with any members(I think:think:) on this forum since joining it waaaay back in 2003, so I've seen my fair share on bantering between members. We all need to RELAX and BREATHE slowly, we are all here on this forum for the same purpose are we not, as enthusiasts of Audi cars. :kissmyrings:
And we are all entitled to our own opinions of course. ;)
Im running an MTM remap
not many other remaps will give you 432Nm of torque
MTM is custom designed to your car on the rollers, thats why theyre so expensive.
Get a generic map and you'll end up with a generic S3...

You have an awful lot of torque and relatively little power???? I'd like to see a dyno plot of that as I'd imagine it looks pretty awful. Torque and power have a proportional relationship, so both need to be high for consistancy across the rev range. I'm guessing your torque curve goes straight up, then straight down?
Nigel, you've ranted an awful lot on this subject (most of which is pretty irrelevant TBH and I can't be ***** reading half of it), and you seem to be taking it very personally. Take a deep breath and chill!

Also, you might do better with a little more understanding of some basic concepts. It isn't specifically a remap that will ruin your clutch. No point in blaming MTM/QST for that. I ran my BT for nearly a year on the standard clutch with no issues, and a year before that with a custom map from Star Perfomance. It come down to how you treat the car, mechanical sympathy, mileage, general wear and tear, how the clutch was originally broken in, etc.

In life you get what you give. It sounds to me like you went in there with a bunch of attitude and got a little back.

I've had a few dealings with Kim at QST, and to be honest I've always found him to be a decent bloke that likes tuning cars. Don't forget he's only a reseller of someone elses software, so his prices are generally set by ze germans.

Chris, listen I'm a cool friendly guy & I'm very chilled or I would have replied with some stupid vicious pointless comments about that user, I cant see where I had any attitude towards this person.

No disrespect at all, but unless I'm very much mistaken the what I consider rude comments he was spilling out were personally aimed at me, as for get what you give, I made no comments whatsoever towards this person, I was commenting on my personal experience with using QST, he made it personal for no apparent reason.

I at least am allowed to express my opinion of QST, I did actually go there & meet the guy & use his services, I thought thats what a forum was for unless I'm very much mistaken, but its not here to personally attack another member that hasnt actually said a bad word against them, wouldnt you agree.

Someone comes into a thread, calls you a Penis, says you have emotional problems, says your incapable of typing proper english, says your 4 years old, I mean so you sit there & not defend yourself, sorry but the guy has no right to make comments on someone he doesnt know & has no dealings with, at least my comments on QST & others were based on fact & personal experience with that company.

Then he goes to another thread me & JoJo were joking on & tries to start the same **** on there, please it doesnt take a brain scientist to work out who needs to chill out here, even his so called apology post was sarcastic for gods sake.

Not sounding sarcastic or mr know it all, but I think your basic concepts is actually common sense to any driver Chris, on any car, I know that it is also the way the car is treated in number of ways, so I dont say every single MTM tuned car by QST needs a new clutch, if I have then I was wrong & I apologise but I'm sure I havnt, I just said it does seem funny alot of the MTM tuned ones do get new clutches after a while, number of comments have said that not just on here but personally to me, where as others seem to be ok on a 1st tier map, my revo was quite agressive I believe, the clutch is still running perfectly well for 4+ years.

Prices are not neccessrily set by the owner of the item you are purchasing, he gets it at trade prices which is usually a good percentage of, so he does have control over pricing to a degree, but I think you're missing the point, I didnt go to him for remap, mtm etc at all, I'm not moaning about the cost of his work at all, although he is a tad overpriced, which is the whole point of my comments about his attitude & work he didnt do to my car, so on this I think my comments on work on my car are fair.

Yes everyone entitled to an opinion & I 100% welcome any, but this wasnt an opinion at all, he was just damn ****** rude for no reason & I personally wont stand for that kinda **** from anyone.
I'm not worried at all, I actually have a sense of humour and my post was just a bit of a joke with no offence taken at all. :icon_thumright:

I have no issues with any members(I think:think:) on this forum since joining it waaaay back in 2003, so I've seen my fair share on bantering between members. We all need to RELAX and BREATHE slowly, we are all here on this forum for the same purpose are we not, as enthusiasts of Audi cars. :kissmyrings:
And we are all entitled to our own opinions of course. ;)

:applaus:exactly what I said mate, we're here to talk about cars which includes the garages/people that work on them.
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