TAKING THE ****!!!!!!!!

This is just another confirmation of what I believed we would be paying for car tax as discussed in previous threads. The government are robbing b*****ds!
If your car tax has gone up by £100 that equates to 1p per mile increase (based on 10k miles a year) so I think the average motorist can absorb it. If they can't then you really have to question whether they should be running a car at all.
Far more concerning is the cost of fuel TBH and why the government doesn't cap the taxation on it.
What the hell is this world coming to!!???!!

What do we get from all of this money the Govt is taking from us, better roads - NO, better street lighting - NO, better anything - NO!!!

This time next year, it will be all the rage to get a s4, with a 1 litre engine in it!!! Its going to be the conversion craze of small cars with big engines, but the other way round!!! Big cars with small engines!!!

Then we'll all be saying at the next show " Did you see that R8 with 1.6 diesel engine in it"

Its ridiculous!!!

Anyway rant over, back to work :)
This is F***ing stupid its crazy enough already....Wot i really don't understand is where such a small country and we've got the most expensive living charges all because of GLOBAL WARMING what about the rest of the world where they don't give a F**K......OK rant over need sleep...............
I think you've answered your own question there. We are a small country but with a very high population per square mile, so yes of course we pollute the world to a greater extent than probably any other European country per mile.
Wouldnt really surprise me if Global Warming was just another money making exercise for the U.N. they have already mentioned they lied on the number of HIV cases for the past 5 - 10 years the number has been declining and they knew this! Personally I dont feel there is enough research to bring this sort of reaction out in people, especially when many scientists are in disagreement over the extent Global Warming has, if any.

Ahhh Science, how you've lost your integrity!
This comment after the article says it all for me...

"This is direct evidence that the government has absolutely no idea what it is doing. Logic would dictate that cars travelling higher mileage should be taxed more. As it is, plenty of cars producing less CO2 because of their lower annual mileage will be paying more tax than those producing more CO2"

The amount of tax people pay is clearly not proportionate to the amount of C02 they produce. Even at the minute, someone who produces 120g/km pays £35 a year and that amounts to say a rate of £0.29 per g/km. Someone who produces 186g/km pays £210 a year (rate of £1.14 per g/km). Even if my calculations are not spot on, anyone can see that the amount they charge even currently is completely disproportionate!

To increase that further is ridiculous, unfair and taking the p*ss in my opinion!
To be honest I consider myself lucky as I am currently able to afford a car like the S3, but it's the families that I feel for. They are the ones who may have to run a older, less efficient vehicles, and now our so called caring government are finding new ways to make them struggle even more.:no:

In my humble opinion the tax disc should all be one low price for all car drivers, and then a 'suitable' additional cost should be added to each litre fuel, this way the high mileage drivers would pay for the road they use, and those whom only do limited mileage would not be ripped off as much.

I know none of us want to pay anymore tax for our fuel, & god knows we pay enough as it is, but this getting out of hand. I also think that the fuel companies as a priority should be looking at ways to make our current fuels more efficient and less polluting, whilst looking for more cleaner, sustainable resources, because if they don't we will all be driving battery cars in the future, and I don't like that one bit.

'My Pennies Worth'
I think Road tax is one issue but the rise in fuel prices too basically takes the ****. Thats labour for you. I think if they aren't careful everyone will be voting conservative. No wonder the Polish are finding them selves better off back in Europe rather than the UK - Think I might join them!
I've travelled alot around the world.. and to be fair, england along with a very few other countries have really good roads.. comparing to places that dont pay tax etc..but even still.. was in central over the weekend.. i dont know whether its my stiff suspension set up, or 35 profile tyres... but london roads are f*ckin *****... ****** me off that we pay so much tax to the government, how long does it take to level out a drain to the rest of the road??
why would they want to make the roads better though, the goverment are trying everything to keep us off the road plus they wouldn't know how bad roads are as they are all driven round in luxury, i'm suprised they don't all have bentlys or roller.....W-?kers... On the plus side though a 210 s3 will hold it's money well now over a 225!
not being funny....and im not sure if its been said on here before..... we are supposed to be living in a democracy...yet did we vote that idiot 'Gordon Brown' in...and interestingly, do you know anyone that actually believes the country is better for him being there..... the guy messed up taxation, going against the whole 'Labour works for the poor' logic and introducing a tax regime that made the poorer worse off..... then the car tax..... then..... wheres it going to stop...lets hope hes not the next Mugabe... iam seriosuly fed up with the country

my 2 pence.....
What the hell is this world coming to!!???!!

This time next year, it will be all the rage to get a s4, with a 1 litre engine in it!!! Its going to be the conversion craze of small cars with big engines, but the other way round!!! Big cars with small engines!!!

The future is small displacement turbo petrols i can assure you.
Easy to meet emissions, diesels are getting more and more difficult to meet new emissions.

1.4 Tfsi the engine of the future :happy::happy::happy::happy:

2.0 Tfsi the engine of the past :no::no::no::no:
[average Sun reader]This countries gone down the pan, Immigrants taking our jobs, paedo's everywhere etc...[/average Sun reader]
You see it is sinking in now. The best way to do this is for everyoine on March 19th next year (when it starts to kick in) to merely remove their number plates and go about their daily business. The police would maybe stop a handful of cars, til they relaise anarchy had set in, and would be so inundated with calls and information on drive offs, suspicious vehicles, terrorists etc, they would all retreat o their desks and close the doors.

Hopefully a large proportion of people will fill up their cars with gas and drive off without paying so to get on eover on theoil companies and before you all say the retailer will lose out, you reckon the reteilers are suffering at the mo......??Let them go bleat to Shell etc for compo.

It is about time we took control of this ridiculous situation the govt is forcing upon un as just say, enouigh is enough..! !With prisons overcrowding at an all time high, what could they do if the whole country just took off their plates and drover about without.
If you see a copper and he puts his lights on, just flash him the vs and carry on!! He'd soon give up if every car following and coming toward him just flashed him and gave him the finger!!

It sounds drastic, but if it happened imagine the press it would get.....? All around the world....? Imagine the message it woudl send the Govt and spooks who want to control everything we do, kid us into thinkin we live in a free country, when truth be told if you are in anyway conformist, you have fewer rights than the illegals and other people whoi stuck two fiungers up to Blair and his bum chum Brown ten years ago.

.......WHO's with me!!

Joking aside, you reckon the French would put up with sxxt like this. They would be burning sheep and govt buildings long ago!
firstly familys get enough free money via tax credits and child benifits. secondly i think we should all just bend over and let the government just bums us. i mean they do it anyways.
firstly familys get enough free money via tax credits and child benifits. secondly i think we should all just bend over and let the government just bums us. i mean they do it anyways.

I'm going to run for Prime Minister lol, who wants to back me.

Some points, Road tax returned to normal cost, 50% off fuel and Overtime non taxable. What do you think :jump:
i had no idea that you all hated Gordon Brown for his politics..... thought it would be that annoying drop of the mouth, he does, when he finishes a sentence
what I do not like about Mr Brown is that in our democratic country we did not vote for him to be PM so why is he?
i think 'headcases' on channel 4 had the answer on Sunday.... maybe Tony Blair was hypnotised by Alistair Darlings eye brows.....

That **** wandered past me at Christmas in the reception of the Grosvenor, Alistair Darling, do you think id have been in the news if id have tripped the **** up
i think 'headcases' on channel 4 had the answer on Sunday.... maybe Tony Blair was hypnotised by Alistair Darlings eye brows.....

That **** wandered past me at Christmas in the reception of the Grosvenor, Alistair Darling, do you think id have been in the news if id have tripped the **** up

I'd have paid your bail, even if it meant selling the S3!!:detective2:

I blame immigrants! We pay for there nice new houses and food vouchers, oh and its also legal for them to claim child support for their kids still living abroad! Nice one Labour.