Does 3C Lane Change Assist Module have Component Protection?


Registered User
Mar 15, 2021
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So having read a lot prior to doing this retrofit, everything was suggesting that the lane assist modules did not fall under component protection but have just installed them and I get a Component Protection error in VCDS - any ideas? are they component protected? or does the error mean something else?

20211003 171029
Remove the CP, its active.
Thanks NHN, appreciate it. I wish there was a published list of modules which have component protection, that would be useful, but I imagine it probably differs depending on model/year - i.e. I have not heard anyone mention component protection when retrofitting side assist (though the posts were from a few years ago, maybe things have changed in newer cars). Though strange that Audi decided to add component protection on the radars as they seem to be quite low cost components, i.e. they only cost me £50 each from a scrappy (and they sell for this price on eBay too used and already calibrated), a tire would cost me more! :)
Like I said in your other thread I fitted it to a 2105 S3 with used sensors and there was definitely no CP on the units.
The car was PFL model though and looking at your part number had different modules to yours so its entirely plausible that newer units have CP
I assume CP is only active in the "master" module as this module seems to control the "slave" module (i.e. the "slave" module is not even visible with VCDS).

Anyone know of any places where I could get CP removed? or maybe someone in this forum could do it? based in the London/South East area.

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