Another Rs3 Stolen

Shocking. Car jackers now deliberately crashing into cars to get owners out of their car... :wtf:
I'm in Windsor and have had two scrotes come for my RS3 about 6 weeks ago. Security at my house was far too good for them though. My Brother in law just had his A35 AMG stolen from the same area 2 weeks ago, and another localy guy got pulled over by "undercover police" in his Golf R... Wasn;t police at all. got car jacked.

You literally can't have a nice car nowadays. Someone WILL try and nick it if you have it long enough.
The old undercover trick.
Be vigilant, the chavs use a stick on light.
You can tell the difference, wait for a siren too.
I’d never stop for a blue light.
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The old undercover trick.
Be vigilant, the chavs use a stick on light.
You can tell the difference, wait for a siren too.
I’d never stop for a blue light.

No never.

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So what happens next time an actual unmarked car tries to pull you and you don't stop? Having said that wouldn't you wait in your car with locked doors to see who gets out of the "police" car?
So what happens next time an actual unmarked car tries to pull you and you don't stop? Having said that wouldn't you wait in your car with locked doors to see who gets out of the "police" car?

Drive somewhere public and well lit like a garage forecourt, or the local nick if it is still open....
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Ok that is fair enough. So if to carry on driving and the unmarked car tries to get in front or block the roads (police camera action style) then it would be Assumed it’s a car jacker)
I have always worried about what to do in these instances. I must admit, if a flashing blue light came up behind me, my instinct would be to pull over and not just keep driving, but reading the information in that link above, it does say you're ok to drive somewhere "safe" first.
A long time ago, I had a Citroen ax gt.
It was about 2am and was leaving a large car park in Durham with my girlfriend at the time.
As I was coming out a white Astra with 2 burly blokes in it shot up behind me flashing the lights (not blue) and trying to make me pull over.
I panicked and booted it.
Left the Astra, but in the process needed to be hitting some silly speeds coming out of the city to escape.
A couple of minutes later a senator county car homed in on me and fired up the blues and twos and pulled me.
On stopping and getting out I explained my situation to the traffic cop, he could tell I was shaken up a bit.
Then right on cue the Astra pulled up with 2 unmarked police in it.
The traffic officer went to town on the pair of unmarked officers, shouting and ranting at the pair and sent me on my way. Lol
So yeah, don't ever pull over unless it's obvious that it's the police.
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A long time ago, I had a Citroen ax gt.
It was about 2am and was leaving a large car park in Durham with my girlfriend at the time.
As I was coming out a white Astra with 2 burly blokes in it shot up behind me flashing the lights (not blue) and trying to make me pull over.
I panicked and booted it.
Left the Astra, but in the process needed to be hitting some silly speeds coming out of the city to escape.
A couple of minutes later a senator county car homed in on me and fired up the blues and twos and pulled me.
On stopping and getting out I explained my situation to the traffic cop, he could tell I was shaken up a bit.
Then right on cue the Astra pulled up with 2 unmarked police in it.
The traffic officer went to town on the pair of unmarked officers, shouting and ranting at the pair and sent me on my way. Lol
So yeah, don't ever pull over unless it's obvious that it's the police.

Sorry to change the Story, but AXGT, I had one - Loved that little beasty!
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A long time ago, I had a Citroen ax gt.
It was about 2am and was leaving a large car park in Durham with my girlfriend at the time.
As I was coming out a white Astra with 2 burly blokes in it shot up behind me flashing the lights (not blue) and trying to make me pull over.
I panicked and booted it.
Left the Astra, but in the process needed to be hitting some silly speeds coming out of the city to escape.
A couple of minutes later a senator county car homed in on me and fired up the blues and twos and pulled me.
On stopping and getting out I explained my situation to the traffic cop, he could tell I was shaken up a bit.
Then right on cue the Astra pulled up with 2 unmarked police in it.
The traffic officer went to town on the pair of unmarked officers, shouting and ranting at the pair and sent me on my way. Lol
So yeah, don't ever pull over unless it's obvious that it's the police.

AX GT? Blimey, they take me back a bit. Nearly bought a second hand one of them. Was a toss up between that, a 106 XSI, and a brand new Fiesta Si. Unfortunately I bough the Ford. Nothing wrong with it, but my mate then bought the 106, which was in every way the better car.

But in my Fiesta, I had a similar situation as you. Driving home from Tall Trees at 3am. Dark Blue Nova came right up behind me. Looked like it had wonky headlights, as the beam seamed brighter than normal and pointed upwards. Pretty much blinded me in my mirrors. Going round a corner I could see it was at least 2 up, with the driver being quite large.

I kept turning off, and they kept following. Then you start thinking the worst. So thought F*** it. If you want it, you'll have to catch me. Floored it on some back roads, but then (to get home) I had to go through the outskirts of a town (40 & 60 zones) where I didn't slow down. They were doing well to keep up I thought. :icon thumright: But as I got nearer home, you then start to think what to do. Got to my village and pretty much hand braked it onto my driveway. Jumped out and started to run to my front door. It was only then they identified themselves as police. :busted cop:

Started having a go at me regarding my driving. Wasn't having any of that, as they could have stopped me straight away by hitting the lights and siren. Wasn't shouting at them, but certainly making my feelings known that they'd pushed me into speeding off and driving the way I was. Following too close. Light blinding me, and being the hour it was, and told them I feared for my safety. They could have thrown the book at me I suppose, but somehow I got let off with a "Don't drive like that again".

Still, it's not every day you get to be chased by an unmarked police car and get away with it. Not something I'd want to do again mind.
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I'm in Windsor and have had two scrotes come for my RS3 about 6 weeks ago. Security at my house was far too good for them though. My Brother in law just had his A35 AMG stolen from the same area 2 weeks ago, and another localy guy got pulled over by "undercover police" in his Golf R... Wasn;t police at all. got car jacked.

You literally can't have a nice car nowadays. Someone WILL try and nick it if you have it long enough.

Pretty sad isn't it? And now more cars are getting fitted with Keyless entry, it's even easier for the Tea leaves to take your car. I'm lucky that I keep my S3 in a garage over night, and as it doesn't have keyless, I don't need to worry about OBD theft while it's parked up anywhere.

I'm looking to change my S3 in the spring, and I'm struggling to find anything that's not easy picking for the thieves, and not on their top wanted list. Buying anything tasty has always been a risk when it comes to the possibility of being stolen, but it certainly seems like we are going through a Purple patch for car crime.

And now it looks like car jacking is on the rise. Thought about waiting for the next Focus RS. But that will be one of the thieves top targets, so puts me off.
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Pretty sad isn't it? And now more cars are getting fitted with Keyless entry, it's even easier for the Tea leaves to take your car. I'm lucky that I keep my S3 in a garage over night, and as it doesn't have keyless, I don't need to worry about OBD theft while it's parked up anywhere.

I'm looking to change my S3 in the spring, and I'm struggling to find anything that's not easy picking for the thieves, and not on their top wanted list. Buying anything tasty has always been a risk when it comes to the possibility of being stolen, but it certainly seems like we are going through a Purple patch for car crime.

And now it looks like car jacking is on the rise. Thought about waiting for the next Focus RS. But that will be one of the thieves top targets, so puts me off.

Too true, ****** scumbags!

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