How Very Embarrasing

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Hot Stuff

Sorry Olly if this has nothing to do with cars...but it is in the "General Chat section"

I was walking along the road today when all these men from the garage started to wistle and make a lot of strange noises. I was looking quite cute so I thought ...when I looked across the road and saw our local tranny ridin his bike. Dress on make up on and a lovely blonde wig. I didnt know where to look. So embarrassing.:ohmy:
Boydie said:
haha look at the big head! :p

On who, hot stuff or the tranny, i dont wanna see a tranny's big head ewwww
It was really funny...I was so close to wettin my knickers. He's also been...the tranny, in our chemist asking for make up. Its hard not to laugh.:sadlike:
I just assumed that was a given.....
He's a bit of a babe yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not as cute as me. I was the only girl walking by the garage so I naturally presumed it was me who was getting all the attention.
Its his children I feel sorry for!!!!!!!!!
thank you for sharing this ******* useless drivel with us. We feel so much better for knowing this.

Better find another website to post on very soon
What a horrible man u are. Shall I post on the chocolate topic instead. Is that stupid enough for you Olly.:slap: Why is my post drivil?? and not the others. Maybe youre just a very frustrated man. Or maybe that was u on that bike??
Hot Stuff said:
What a numpty i am you're right. Shall I post on the chocolate topic instead. I love you Olly.:slap:My posts are drivil, moreso than any of the others. Maybe youre just a very frustrated man. Or maybe that was me on that bike??
Lets talk about chocolate instead...cos thats much more sensible than this. Tosser.:rulez: ITS THE GERERAL CHAT FORUM:tocktock:
isnt there a forum for people with Attention Deficit Disorder?
He cant ban anyone for posting what he/she thinks is ****. But I can leave. Stick your forum and your sex mad mod up your fat **** olly. Theres plenty of other topics u could have called **** mine wasnt. But what the ****.
Ooooo 16 yr old has thrown a hissy fit
Hot Stuff said:
He cant ban anyone for posting what he/she thinks is ****. But I can leave. Stick your forum and your sex mad mod up your fat **** olly. Theres plenty of other topics u could have called **** mine wasnt. But what the ****.

Actually your quite wrong on that one. It's his site and he can pretty do what he likes. He's also not the only one that can ban people. All us mods can ;)
you beat me to it, well done MB, and well said
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