Hit by another driver - Should I tell my insurance company?


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Jul 18, 2013
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Yesterday someone reversed into me. Basically, the driver in front stopped suddenly as the traffic lights turned red and then reversed into me as she tried to get out of no man's land. She immediately admitted she was in the wrong and provided me with all her insurance details.

Fortunately, the only damage that has been done is some scratched paint on my bumper at the driver's side as can be seen by the pictures below.

Should I tell my insurance company to get in touch with her insurance company to get the paintwork repaired? I am afraid that even just ringing up my insurance company with a query will go down on my insurance record that I've been involved in an accident (even though it wasn't my fault) and my insurance premium could potentially go up come renewal time.

The other alternative would be not to go through the insurance company and just get her to pay for the damage out of her own pocket.

Any thoughts?

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I believe it would only go up if it was an own fault claim or if the claim wasn't resolved/closed come renewal time. The problem is if you leave it too long and then the 3rd party backs out of agreeing to pay for it out of their own pocket, once they see the final bill...you may have a problem claiming, depending on the insurance company.

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Not worth insurance for such minor damage that will clean up and touch in nicely .

Get some money off her .
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I would notify your insurance company, recently my mate drove into the back of another car at 3 mph (automatic crawl speed). They both got out and agreed there was not much damage and my mate gave him some money for the paintwork scratches. 3 months later my mate got a letter through the post showing the car that he hit rear end totally destroyed and even the crash bar was fully bent which obviously wasn't his 3 mph crash. Because my mate didnt notify his insurance company about the minor crash the insurance company had to pay out on his behalf
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Why didn't he take photographs ?
He did but the insurance company said its not enough proof as they cannot verify the dates that the photo was taken, he even had someone in the car with him and the insurance company werent willing to take a statement from her because they are friends
He did but the insurance company said its not enough proof as they cannot verify the dates that the photo was taken, he even had someone in the car with him and the insurance company werent willing to take a statement from her because they are friends

*** !
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Real shame when this sort of thing happens, if it was me I would not go through the insurance for the reasons already discussed, but it may be you have no choice, as she is not obliged to pay cash and may insist her insurance settle the claim.

The good thing (if anything is) that it looks like a polish with scuff remover will deal with most, if not all of the problem.
Hope you get a good resolution that does not leave you out of pocket.
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As @Gazwould said, that looks like it would polish/buff off. Looks only like paint rub. Is anything loose or dented? If not ask her to pay for a detail and be done with it. That simple a job I wouldn't even bother with insurance. As suggested above non-fault claims aren't exactly that these days. Insurance companies will change wording to get more money if they can and they have. Detailer is the way I would go if you can't do it yourself.
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Best not go through the insurance as it still register's as non fault claim,as Gazwould...and the rest said get some dosh off her
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I called my insurance company because someone hit my car and drove away, in the end I told the insurance company I would sort it myself. They still take notes of this on the system as a no fault claim that has been closed. 1 month later my renewal came in and was £200 dearer when I phoned to ask why it was, it was because this verbal claim was made. I ended up changing insurance companies and getting to the final bit of the phone call when he said I see there's a no fault claim we will need to recalculate the total which was extra money again. Really not worth the hassle for a minor like that, get a quote and give the lady the option and tell her about all the instance hassle and no claims bonus she will lose if not protected and I'm sure she will pay
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Use an accident management company to deal with her insurance and not touch yours.
My premium went up £80 due to a non fault claim (I informed them out of misguided interest), won't do that again in a hurry.

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A lot of car manufacturers have these companies attached to them now. I know BMW/MINI do as do VX. I'd be surprised if Audi don't have something the same?
The red will just rub off with some polish or petrol or panel wipe.

Where tis black, has it gone through the paint on your bumper?

Personally, id get get the corner blended in it it has. Any decent bodyshop would do that for next to nout and be a good repair. Far cheaper than any excesses or increased premiums by ringing a insurer up.
Yep, those black marks are where the it's gone through the paint on the bumper. I hope they don't need to respray the whole bumper and just touch up with some paint where the black marks are. I reckon some T-Cut will sort out the red marks.

Having read razza1 and Chris5's comments, the increase in my insurance premium through a no fault claim was exactly what I feared.

My friend told me that as soon as you call your insurance company, whatever you say will go down on their records and give them an excuse to increase your premium at renewal time. Even if you don't go ahead with a claim, it still goes on record. Makes me angry!
JUst the front corner will need painting.

Mine has been done at some time in its life and they blended it in at the bottom of the grille
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