

Grumpy Old Man
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, so we're in the quarter final, but have still to set anyone's shirt on fire.

I wish anyone else but Beckham had scored the goal, because that will allow Sven-Notverygood Eriksson to justify yet another woefully inadequate performance (and that's before he was ill). And that's another thing! Why did Eriksson allow him to stay on the pitch for 20 minutes before subbing him? There were at least two occasions in that period where Ecuador threatened our goal from wide left because Beckham failed to make a tackle. Why can everyone else but him see that Lennon is more than ready to take Beckham's place in the side?

As for the rest, it was a generally good performance against awkward opposition in extreme heat. Rooney continues to improve, and get closer to full fitness & form, Hargreaves put in another good show, as did Carrick & Gerrard. Lampard seems to have left his shooting boots at home, though, and isn't it strange that after having been our best player in the first three games, Cole J should suddenly have a stinker?

Oh well, better go see who we meet in the quarter-final. Whoever it is, we still need to get a lot better.
So far they have done better than the opposition and that about sums it up, unfortunate that they could only score from set piece.
last nights match portugal v holland a funny match looked more like a rugby match was looking forward to some good punch-ups. lol
Hard to bear but England and penalties you know you are in trouble.....feel sorry for you guys as having Rooney sent off was not right and they gave a pretty gutsy performance to hold on afterwards

Ah well fours years to go never know scotland might be there .......cough cough maybe....lol
looks like Gerrmany v Brazil final maybe

The ref was against England but lets fach it we are no match for some of these sides.
Okay we may have some great names and some skillfull footballers but they still don't play well enough together and give away stupid balls away.
I do feel sorry for Rooney he did not deserve a red card and as for Crouch i think he his the wrong person for the job don't mean to be nasty but he his all legs.

Oh well the Brazil game should be good.
England down to 10 men unfairly, the ref against us, what chance did we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!
concoursneil said:
Who cares

Im English i only support one team and we are out, so the world cup means nothing now

it's still the world cup! We can just watch it and enjoy the football now..
mac1403 said:
England down to 10 men unfairly, the ref against us, what chance did we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love England as much as the next (English)man, but the only person to blame for us being down to ten men is Rooney.

Maybe the ref didn't see his bo//ock-stomping antics, maybe he did; but the fact of the matter is that if Rooney wasn't such a hot-headed pushy little thug we'd have had eleven men for the rest of the game.

Maybe in another couple of cups' time he'll have grown a temper and become a sportsman.

Gutted we're out though :(

Still, I can cheer Scotla... oh sh!t. Nevermind... ;)


only person to blame is us....******** mate.rooney sent off when he was fouled himself
canavaro and ronaldo are gonna get some **** the *******
yeah, ref shud have blown, he cud see rooney was unfairly challenged, by three different players, oh well, went down to 10 men and played a lil better, beckham look well pistoff too, nevermind we're out now. Shame as i think most of the players will not see the next WC.
voorhees said:
only person to blame is us....******** mate.rooney sent off when he was fouled himself
canavaro and ronaldo are gonna get some **** the *******
I dunno fella, granted he didn't get the best of breaks when there was no foul given for the challenges against him; but there are two ways to handle that as far as I can see it; only one of them gets you sent off.

I don't doubt that the lad has amazing talent; even just looking at this cup (and not his whole international/league career so far), he has produced some absolutely magic moments, and has shown more earnest and passion than most - that I can't deny; BUT (IMHO) he would still benefit from learning that no matter which way it goes, the Referee's decision is law on the pitch, and the best course of action is to be the man, and get on with the game.

Best regards,

It's time English football had a reality check.

Sven has been paid £25 million since he started, the coach of Argentina was on £100k/year. Wonder how much the coaches of the other teams left get paid?

The worrying thing is, the next England coach is the current one. He must have had at least something to do with all the bad tactics and terrible decisions that has ruined the national team the last few years, therefore I am not hopeful of any improvement.

£25 million!!! How wonder how many club teams will be beating down Sven's door now to put more millions in his bank account?
Faction your right on with that But it seems pc to punish the retaliator nowadays on the pitch for some reason (even more so if he is English) than the aggressor
Mark I totally agree with you that he was overpaid But his stats will show that he has been the most successful manager of recent times but also we have the best league in the world so why haven't we won the world cup....because he was crap,the only reason hes been successful is the top players have managed to get him out the ****,hes got **** tactics (why the firk did theo go?)
I have the mother of all hangovers and feel that I could drink the atlantic but am happy to see the back of that man

I may sound bitter and twisted....sod it I am!
The ref was just out to make a name for himself, just like the Beckham incident against Argentina. Any other player would have just been booked. When you consider the crazy things that went on in the previous match against Holland and only 3 players (or was it 4) were sent off. I think the refereeing has improved a lot at this tournament but still totally inconsistent when it comes to off the ball decisions.
Regardless I don't think it would have made any difference if Rooney had stayed on. The script was already written. England in quarter final against a greasy bunch of cheating, greasy, cheating, greasy, cheating cheaters. We were always gonna be knocked out on penalties with a dodgy refereeing decision to blame and a scapegoat in one of our best players. Sound familiar?
Totally gutted, but we only had ourselves to blame, Portugal werent as good as us but we still lost, anyone hear Shearers comments on BBC 1 after the match had ended? Funniest thing hes said in the last ten years...
AndyMac said:
a greasy bunch of cheating, greasy, cheating, greasy, cheating cheaters.

:nunu:Now I demand you take that statement back not all the Portuguese players were greasy!

Is it just me or has Lampard had a very poor Word Cup.... this is meant too be the second best player in the world!?
Yeah, poor old Frank has been the most disappointing player in the squad. And both him & Gerrard missing penalties just beggars belief.
You just know Portugal will be knocked out by France (easily), so really a wasted qualification as I think we could've given them a good game.
Funny how the big name "galactico's" Beckham, Lampard, Owen have dissapointed while the "makalele's" such as Hargreaves, Lennon and Croach have done their reps no harm in my eyes.
player for player the england team should match if not better any other, trouble is the word "team", they simply cant play as one and get stronger like the french and germans, didn't my hero klinsmann have the german squad repairing watches before the world cup to improve and focus the mind set, everybody scoffed at him but it doesn't seem to have harmed our progress
Any one else heard that beckham has quit as England Captain?
I think its a shame that everytime England are put out of the cup that the English Media always select a scape-goat in the team. This time its Rooney.

Mean being Scottish We are all supposed to cheer when stuff like that happens, I dont think that he should have been sent off. Yellow card would even have been harsh. The slow motion replay makes it look 1000 time worse that it actually was.

Ronaldo is gonna have a rough time when he gets back to Manchester anyway. Mean trying his best to have a club team mate sent off is just f**king disgusting in my book. What he should remember is that club football is his bread and butter.
Lets be honest we were crap from the first kick of the ball in this tournament right down to the last, the only time we looked ok was the first half against Sweden, but came out in the second half and it was back to normal service, Even if we had gone on to win the cup no one would have feared us, as we were that bad, so although gutted we are out it was no suprise, and if england win a world cup in my lifetime i want them to look the dogs and feared by other countries.
concoursneil said:
English thro and thro mate sorry but when we go out thats it
You're obviously not a football fan then. That sort of mentality is usually reserved for Man Utd "fans", but you're not from Manchester hahahaha.

Go on mate, keep watching an appreciate some of the good football that is happening in between all the theatrics, you might even learn something.
Ronaldo apologising!!

arthurfuxake said:
That sort of mentality is usually reserved for Man Utd "fans", but you're not from Manchester hahahaha.
Doesn't that increase the chance of being a MUFC fan though? ;)


arthurfuxake said:
You're obviously not a football fan then. That sort of mentality is usually reserved for Man Utd "fans", but you're not from Manchester hahahaha.

Go on mate, keep watching an appreciate some of the good football that is happening in between all the theatrics, you might even learn something.

I am a football fan mate , big time , i will watch but cant get to enthusiastic about another country, but then again with the intercontinental premiership as it is these days its getting hard to follow an English team.
Trouble with England is we try to be too nice not like the other nations not thinking twice about trying to cheat their way thro games , i know we all do it from time to time but the game is getting spoilt by all the theatrics.

Come on FIFA get a grip
I firmly believe that England have some of the worlds best players. The problem is with the (ex)manager and the lack of organisation on the field. Sony Erricson was selecting the squad to whatever the Star/Mirror printed. He was a complete waste of £20 million. No guts, no balls and no managerial skill.
England could have gone all the way if they had
1) A different manager
2) Rooney had hept his head and not barged into every tackle like a playground bully
3) Beckham had tried to tackle, it appeared he is only able to kick from set pieces and is afraid to tackle as he might damage his hair or teeth!

All through the lead up to the world cup Sony Erricson was trying new teams, new formats and new tactics meant he and the team didn't know how to play with the selection he was making for each of the games in this world cup.

Final thoughts - Sony have a very poor name sake.

Come on Ireland....oh we're not in it ..........
bainsyboy said:
Lets be honest we were crap from the first kick of the ball in this tournament right down to the last, the only time we looked ok was the first half against Sweden, but came out in the second half and it was back to normal service, Even if we had gone on to win the cup no one would have feared us, as we were that bad, so although gutted we are out it was no suprise, and if england win a world cup in my lifetime i want them to look the dogs and feared by other countries.

bravo bainsy, never a truer word spoken, i admire your honesty, just a shame that other england fans cannot see this, it may help them to accept that england have and will always be a quarter final team, rather than slate other teams and expect to win everything before a ball is kicked

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