Mobile phone upgrade time


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Mar 14, 2012
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Right you tech savvy lot,I'm due a phone upgrade at the end of the month,currently have a Sony Xperia Z.
I'm considering maybe going for one of the latest crop of Windows phones and was wondering if anyone here has one and would they recommend them,or better of sticking with Android?
Not going to worship at the altar of all things Apple as I have a 4s for work and am just not keen on it but thats what they issue us with.
Any hints,tips or recommendations are very much appreciated
I'm biased. I've had an iPhone since they came out, 6 plus at the moment and It just ticks the boxes for me. Have you googled reviews ??
Yeah did all my homework,had a look at 930 today,liked it,felt good.Not worried much about the current lack of apps right now in windows store as I can get most of the apps I already have on my xperia.
See, I cannot get to grips with anything other than an iPhone (was a religious Nokia user before) but I know that Apple isn't the best.
My old man has got this mad samsung with a full on camera in the back of it, so he just goes for anything camera orientated.

I'm hearing good things about the new LG phones too. My pal has one, voice control too, he holds it and says 'cheeeeeese' and it snaps a pic lol
Lol,yeah my sis in law has that Samsung,I like my phones to have a bit of substance,a wee bit of chunkiness,but that one is just ridiculous.
No, it's a brick !! Lol
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iPhone 6 is so much better than the 4S. Apple all the way for me, but my friend showed me his new android Sony phone that looked alright. Apparently it's waterproof as well.
My current Xperia z is water proof,apparently for 30mins at 1metre.Never tried it though :)
Ive just upgraded last week to an Sony Xperia Z3 Compact....for the main reason that I didnt want a tablet in my pocket!!

The size of it was perfect and the spec is amazing, took some pics yesterday with it at the West Mids Safari Park and I have to say they are mindblowingly clear....specially for a phone cam!!

Defo gets the vote from me to have one of those.
Iv recently moved from an iPhone 5s to a Z3 Compact......... should have never left Android a few years ago, didnt realise how restrictive the iPhones where!
Not to mention, I now get 3-days battery life!
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Gotta be the 6 plus...
But I am a brain washed Apple whore... :)
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IPhone for me. I have went through all the iphones, Big progress since the 4s Mark.
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I loved my V3i as a piece of well-built design.

But the I'll take a week software was something else !
Hated the Samsung Galaxy S4 I had and almost went back to Apple but went for an LG G3 in the end, and very happy with that and will almost certainly go with LG again.

That or a plain old Google Nexus.
Had my Windows phone a few weeks now and really settled into it,easy to use,visually I like it,and the crucial part,you can even make phone calls with it ;)
Sure,the store doesn't have the apps of IOS and Android,but with Windows 10 coming out soon,there will be a lot of compatibility and cross over between Android and Windows.
What's wrong with the S4 ?
I found it quite bloated - lots of duplication for certain apps/features, I think the first one broke (ok can happen to any phone but helped to form the poor opinion) there were some other reasons too that I can't recall. Also because of the way the phone was partitioned the actual usable space was limited.

Plus I just generally have a bee in my bonnet about Samsung due to a crap "flagship" TV I bought too. ;)
Also running a Windows phone at the moment, was about to upgrade to the Luima 930 but the 940 will be out in the next few months with Windows 10 so going to wait for that.
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I hate all these big phones now. I will probably get the Samsung Galaxy S6 mini when it comes out.
Just picked up a 6 plus, big improvement over the 5s, considering what you can do with phones today, the bigger screen helps you from straining your eyes, mine is also submersible upto 6' ;)
I did have a HTC Windows phone for work, which I hated with a passion. We then upgraded to iphone 5c's, which I don't have much time for either. My own phone is a Galaxy S4, which I love to bits as it has a great camera and will probably upgrade with a Galaxy 6 of some shape later this year.
Highlight of this year, was driving a Transit Connect over the HTC just to see how tough the Gorilla Glass was.....
..... It wasn't...!
Really hated that phone and I'm glad we killed it for good.

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